Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 121
Summary of EvaluationNordic parliamentarians’ study visit in Nepal on 16-21 January 2011
United Nations Development Group (UNDG) in Denmark – UNDP, UNEP Risø, UNICEF Denmark,UNFPA, and WFP – has previously organized five successful study visits for Nordic Members ofParliaments (MPs) of the Foreign Affairs Committees to Zambia (2004), Malawi (2006),Mozambique (2007), Nicaragua (2008), and Liberia (2009). The aim has been to expandknowledge of the UN system and its work in practice. On this background, the UNDG inDenmark initiated a study visit in Nepal on 16-21 January 2011. Nepal was selected due to theinteresting coordination of UN operational activities as well as political and developmentchallenges. The initiative was implemented by the UN Country Team (UNCT) in Nepal in closecollaboration with the UNDG in Denmark. A total of 3 MPs from Denmark, 2 MPs from Norway,the Editor ofUdvikling(Danida’s magazine), the Director of UNFPA Nordic Office and theDirector of UNDP Nordic Office participated in the visit.List of participants from Nordic countriesMs. Ellen Trane Nørby (MP, Denmark)Mr. Hüseyin Arac (MP, Denmark)Ms. Hanne Agersnap (MP, Denmark)Mr. Stefan Katic (editor, Denmark)Overall impression:Overall good impression and very well planned study trip.Good mix of meetings with relevant people and projects in the areas Kapilvastu as well asMorang and Sunsari. However, it was recommended to ensure some time for cultural andsocial sightseeing.Learned a lot about the UN activities and it was observed that the agencies are wellcoordinated.Good timing to learn more about the UN in the field, particularly since visit coincided withthe phasing out of the UN Mission in Nepal (UNMIN), a special political mission in support ofthe peace process in Nepal. (UNMIN ceased operations on 15 January 2011 one day beforethe Nordic visit).Mr. Peter N. Myhre (MP, Norway)Ms. Eva Kristin Hansen (MP, Norway)Mr. Jakob Simonsen (Director of UNDP Nordic Office)Ms. Pernille Fenger (Director of UNFPA Nordic Office)
A really good and important piece of work is carried out in Nepal. However, there is still along way to go. The level of education, health and food security as well as the housingsituation must be improved. Stability must be preserved and improved.The democratic process is far too slow and unstable. The country and the people of Nepalneed further attention and economic, social and political support.
Preparation:Good and relevant handouts, but the binder could be built-up more logically.Could have introduced some general cultural information.Very useful practical information, but arrived a bit late (Norway).The background information was extensive, adequate and very good. It was received well inadvance of the trip (Denmark). The information on Nepal, the population/the compositionof the population, the history and the culture was rewarding. The description of Danish andother countries’ initiatives was mentioned as a good value of the trip.
Program:Very good program and visited projects, particularly the field trip and “surprise” visits toBhutanese refugees and The Blue Diamond Society.Too many power point presentations; and suggest to focusing on oral presentations. Thelast day was a too packed program and unnecessary long bureaucratic repeating meetingwith secretaries.Quite an impression to “feel and smell” the Maternity Hospital. However, not enough timefor cultural/social sightseeing and some more time for “smelling” Nepal.The contents of the program and the themes in focus were very good. However, it wasmentioned to have insufficient time to talk to the local people, which would benefit ofseeing the projects with own eyes. It is not enough just to listen to project leaders andpoliticians. Moreover, it makes the local people happy when you come and talk to them andlisten to their problems and proposed solutions.
Security:Personal security and safety were very well taken care of.Briefing was “sufficient” and to some extent somewhat overkill.The level of security was high. However, more security is needed when the delegation is inthe villages and the peripheral areas. The participants must not lose touch of each other.Did not feel unsafe at all during the trip, but thought that more precautions should be takenin the peripheral areas.
Additional observations:Need for clarity due to payment in advance of such as local flights during the study visit.Would like the handouts a bit more in advance (Norway).Leave a bit more space for short informal debriefing every day at the hotel.Recommend that the participants arrive 1-2 days before the programs initiation (the firsttwo days were somewhat tiresome).
Some pictures:
Ms. Ellen Trane Nørby (MP, Denmark) and Mr. Peter N. Myhre(MP, Norway) from the Nordic delegation met Mr. Madhav KumarNepal, Right Honorable Prime Minister of Nepal on 17thJanuary2011.
Visit to Maternity Hospital in Kathmandu on 20thJanuary 2011.
Interaction with Nordic parliamentarians and refugees inSanischare Refugee Camp in Nepal on 18thJanuary 2011.
More photos see also:http://www.undp.org.np/photogallery/photogallery.php
Visit Micro-Enterprise Development Project and interactwith beneficiaries – Jute Mat making by Women’s Group inDuhabi VDC in Sunsari District on 19 January 2011.