Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 12
Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations2-3 December 2010New York14 September 2010
United Nations Headquarters
CONVOCATIONMadam President,Mr. President,We are pleased to announce that the 2010 Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations
will take place during the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, on 2-3 December,at UN Headquarters in New York. We attach particular importance to this annual Hearing,61/6 and 63/24.which is convened as a joint UN-IPU event, pursuant to General Assembly resolutionsThis year's meeting is entitledTowards economic recovery: rethinking development,
retooling global governance.You will find attached an information note and registrationform. The full agenda and other relevant documentation will be sent to parliaments inthe coming weeks. The Hearing will take the form of panel discussions and inter-activeexchanges with UN officials, experts and diplomatic representatives. It will examineaspects relating to:Current risks to economic recovery and the continuing structural imbalances inthe global economy;Reform of the international financial system and a critical assessment of some ofthe key related issues;Rethinking sustainable development with the current global economic andenvironmental framework;Building leadership in global economic governance, empowering the UnitedNations and the role of the G-20;parliaments and of the IPU.Securing transparency and accountability in global governance - the role of
As in the past, the summary report of the Parliamentary Hearing will be circulated as an
official document of both the IPU and the United Nations General Assembly. Themeeting proposes to bring together legislators who are part of their national delegationsto the UN General Assembly, as well as other interested parliamentarians, in particularthose whose work in their parliamentary committees concerns the main themes of theHearing. We invite parliaments to confirm their participation by 20 November.
2Yours sincerely,
Theo-Ben GurirabInter-Parliamentary UnionPresident
United Nations General Assembly
President, 65thSession of the
Joseph Deiss