Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 106
February15th,2010HonourablePresidentoftheDanishParliament,In my capacity as President of the Latin American Chapter of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians AgainstCorruption(GOPAC)andasPresidentofChapterMexico,IampleasedtowritetoyoutoreiterateourinvitationtoattendtheFourthGlobalConferenceofParliamentariansAgainstCorruption,fromMarch11thto13thof2011;whichwilltakeplaceinMexicoCity.Asyouknow,thisconferencewillbringtogetherexpertsandparliamentariansworldwidetodiscusshowlegislatorscanactivelyparticipateinsuchacrucialissue.Delegates can enjoy, if required, performing immigration facilities at the Mexican Consulate that corresponds,presentingtheletterofinvitationorthedesignationinwritingthattheExecutiveBoardsofeachParliamentformallymake for them. For that reason, I invite you to nominate their representatives at the earliest as possible. GeneralinformationislocatedonthewebsiteofGOPAC:http://www.gopacnetwork.org.TheMexicanSenatewillhostthisimportantconference,forwhichithasalsoprepared,inadditiontotheprogramforit,someeventswhichwillevidenceourtraditionalhospitality.Allow me, Mr. President, to present to you my best wishes for 2011 and my warm regards.Sincerely,
Visa InformationA) ORDINARYPASSPORTSYOU DO NOT NEED A MEXICAN VISA IF YOU ARE:1.A citizen of the following countries:Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Belize, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus,Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Israel,Italy, Japan, Korean Rep., Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand,Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland, United States of America, Uruguay or Venezuela.2.A holder of a valid U.S. visa and a valid passport.3.A permanent resident in the U.S., Canada, Japan, United Kingdom or any Schengen country with validpassport and proof of permanent residency in one of these countries.To enter Mexico, simply present a valid passport and fill out an immigration form (FMM), which can be obtained attravel agencies, airlines or at any point of entry to Mexico.B)DIPLOMATIC/OFFICIAL PASSPORTSYOU DO NOT NEED A MEXICAN VISA IF YOU ARE:1.Holders of diplomatic/official passports of the following countries:Andorra, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Benin, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China PR,Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Rep., Ecuador, ElSalvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India,Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korean Rep., Latvia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Morocco, Netherlands,Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, St. Lucia, St.Vincent and the Grenadines, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago,Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine,United States of America, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela or Vietnam.In any other case, you need to obtain a Mexican visa. No visas will be issued at any Mexican point of entry.If you need a visa, it is strongly recommended that you start your registration and visa application processes as soonas possible.MEXICAN VISA REQUIREMENTSA) NATIONALS OF COUNTRIES WHERE MEXICO HAS A DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATIONThe visa applicant must visit the consular office and submit the following documentation:a.Passport (valid for at least six months after the date of entry into Mexico).b.Letter of InvitationFor further information about the location of Mexican diplomatic representations consult:http://portal3.sre.gob.mx/english/B) NATIONALS OF COUNTRIES IN WHICH MEXICO DOES NOT HAVE A DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATION1.The applicant may travel to the nearest Mexican Consulate in the nearest country and present the above-mentioned documentation.
Cultural Centers
El Pal a cio de B el l as Arte s
Its main aims are the diffusion and pr omotion
of the Arts, the artistic educ ation, as well as
the safeguardi ng and conser vation of the
movable and i mmovable artistic heritage It
also offers c ultural programs and ser vices.
Emergency phone numbers:066Emergency (SSP)065Red Cross068Fire fighters5683 2222Civil Protection5658 1111LOCATELLinks:www.sectur.gob.mxwww.mexicocity.gob.mxwww.turibus.com.mx
C a t e dr al
M é xi c o
The Cathedral, as part of the Z ocalo, is
the s ymbolic and cos mic center, i n which
the mexic ans’ dail y life takes pl ace.
Mus eo
A n tr op ol og í a
Because of its collec tion, siz e and facilities,
it is consider ed the world´s most i mportant
mus eum in its genre. It has eleven rooms of
archaeolog y and eleven of ethnography .
El mer cado de l a Ciudadela
It is a diffus er of Mexican crafts worldwi de
and has bec ome a must for tourists. It has
SENADO DE LA REPÚBLI C AInternational A ffairsand Parliamentary Relations
355 shops and wor kshops.
M onu m en t o
R ev ol u ci ón
This monument is a s ymbol of the great history we
have to share with the world and wrap in its structure a
Tourist Information
period of ti me which mar ked us as the amazing
mexican culture we are today.
FoodIn Mexico City, you can enjoy a wide varietyof traditional Mexican dishes as well ascuisine from around the world.There’severything here, from themostexclusiverestaurants to simple, traditionalfondas.When lookingfor traditional Mexicanfood,your bestoption is the downtownHistoricCenter, where the colonial atmosphereprovides the perfect backdrop for enjoyingbreakfast or dinner.The Condesa neighborhood is home tonumerous world-cuisine restaurants as wellas modern “fusion” establishments.If you’re looking for something a lot moretraditional, the markets in Xochimilco andCoyoacán offer Mexican favorites that can’tbe beat..
HistoryHandicrafts are a productive activity andmeans of support of many families, theyrepresent the art and tradition of our country.Because of that and with the purpose ofpromoting this fundamental part of ourculture, in Mexico City there are samples ofgreat works like goldsmithing, working ofmetals, lac, pottery, typical textile, paintingmade on amate, cutting, imitation jewelry,mexican pewter, saddlery, stonework, leatherhandicraft, silverwork, among others.More info:http://www.fonart.gob.mx
MéxicoCity has been Mexico’s heart as well asthe
historical and
cultural capital of
Americas. Since its foundation by the Aztecs in
1325, it has been a meeting place for diverse
Mexico City is one of the largest and most
dynamic cities on the planet; a conglomeration
of legendary and modern cultural-origin myths.pre-hispanic
constructions, witnesses to the richness of the
cultures that originally emerged in the Valley of
Mexico, as well as the architecture of Mexico’s
enigmatic colonial period.