Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 1
“Towards a Parliamentary Strategy for African Women’s Rights and GenderEquality – Women & Violence”EU PRESIDENCY SEMINARBRUSSELS, BELGIUMFRI, 22 OCTOBER 201008:30-09:00 PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION09:00-10:30 OPENING SESSIONChairs:Belgium AWEPA Section : Sabine de Bethune, presidentAlain Destexhe, vice-presidentMagda De Meyer, vice-presidentHon. Pieters Danny, Speaker of the Belgian SenateMinister Steven Vanackere, Belgian Minister for Foreign AffairsHon. Idriss Moussa, President of the Pan-African Parliament.Minister of State Ms. Miet Smet, President of AWEPA
10:30-11:00 COFFEE/TEA BREAK11:00-12:30 SESSION 1: VIOLENCE &WOMEN : ENDING FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION/CUTTINGViolence against women – Global VisionPrevelance and Policy on FGM in AfircaCase story : EthiopiaImplimentig FGM legislation in Uganda, a case studyPrevelance in Europe and repercussions+ DEBATES
12:30-14:00 LUNCH14:00-15:30 SESSION 2: VIOLENCE &WOMEN :WOMEN IN CONFLICTViolence against women in Conflict areas – global visionCase stories Africa – central Africa women networkCase stories Africa - Great Lakes Region Stabillity Pact Women ForumCase study : SudanEurope position+ DEBATES1|P a g e
15:30-16:00 SESSION 3: PLENARY DEBATE ON RECOMENDATIONS16:00-16:30 COFFEE/TEA BREAK16:30-17:30 CLOSING SESSIONGra§a Machel, President of the Foundation for Community Development, Member of the AWEPAEminent Advisory Board, MozambiqueDelegate of Vice-President Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Justice, fundamentalRights and Citizenship,Hon. Sabine de Bethune, MP Belgium, Head of the Belgian AWEPA Section
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