Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2010-11 (1. samling), Forsvarsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
UPN Alm.del Bilag 95, FOU Alm.del Bilag 86, URU Alm.del Bilag 111

CV Mohammad Gulab Mangal,

guvernør i Helmand-provinsen

Name (Aliases)Date/Place of BirthNationality/EthnicityPersonal History

Mohammad Gulab Mangal

(Mohammad Gulabuddin Mangal)1955/Gardez city, PaktikaAfghan/PashtunMohammad Gullab Mangal, an ethnic Pastun, has been the governorof Helmand Province since March 2008, replacing Assadullah Wafa. Atthat time, Mangal was highly endorsed by President Karzai and formerInterior Minister Jalali, but subsequently, Mangal and Karzai havebeen at odds. Mangal has the confidence of Coalition militarycommanders, and has been effective in his three governorships.Mangal appears to have a genuine concern for the future ofAfghanistan.Mangal served as Governor of Paktika Province between May 2004and March 2006, and subsequently, President Karzai transferred himfrom Paktika to Laghman. Before serving as governor, Mangal washeavily involved in the development of Afghanistan’s constitutionduring the 2004 Constitutional Loya Jirga. In the 1970s, he worked atthe Ministry of Interior and later joined the anti-Soviet jihad in the1980s. His activity during the Taliban regime is unclear. Mangal wasborn in 1955 in Gardez City. He has a degree in literature from KabulUniversity and is married with children.Mangal appears to be focused on improving conditions within theProvince and within his Government. Mangal has a strong vision forHelmand and is committed to restructuring provincial government andto holding appointed officials to task. He comes across as professional,engaged, and concerned. He has significantly increased Line Directorinteraction with the PRT in a short period of time.