Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Arbejdsmarkedsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Det Energipolitiske Udvalg 2010-11 (1. samling), Erhvervsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Retsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Socialudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Sundhedsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2010-11 (1. samling), Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik 2010-11 (1. samling), Udvalget for Videnskab og Teknologi 2010-11 (1. samling), Uddannelsesudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Finansudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 69, AMU Alm.del Bilag 32, EPU Alm.del Bilag 47, ERU Alm.del Bilag 48, MPU Alm.del Bilag 124, REU Alm.del Bilag 72, SOU Alm.del Bilag 72, SUU Alm.del Bilag 46, FLF Alm.del Bilag 40, UUI Alm.del Bilag 38, UVT Alm.del Bilag 34, UDU Alm.del Bilag 52, FIU Alm.del Bilag 28
Maroš ŠEFČOVIČVice-President of the European Commission - Responsible forInter-Institutional Relations and Administration

"New role of national Parliaments

under the Lisbon Treaty"

Conference organised by the C.E.P.C, Real Instituto Elcano andFundación Manuel Giménez AbadMadrid, 22 October 2010
It's a great privilege to participate in this conference, and I very much welcome yourinitiative to discuss the new role of national Parliaments under the Lisbon Treaty,and what this means in practical terms for the Spanish Parliament;Last May, I have had the pleasure to meet the Chairman of the joint EU Committeeof your Parliament, Mr Arias Canete, as well as the President of the Senate, MrRojo, and I am delighted to continue today the dialogue with the different colleaguesfrom the Cortes Generales present at this conference, and to listen to your differentviews and questions.Let me underline that the Commission very much welcomes the new role given tonational Parliaments under the Treaty of Lisbon, and specifically the new Protocolon the subsidiarity check. The new Treaty provisions encourage the Parliamentsand the EU institutions to work together and to discuss their respective goals andchallenges, and this is exactly what the Commission has been advocating for manyyears now.As you know, within the current Commission, I have a specific responsibility forrelations with the national Parliaments.But it was already in 2006 that the Commission put the issue of national Parliamentshigh on its political agenda, considerably strengthening its relations with nationalParliaments at all levels, and thus anticipating the greater role foreseen for nationalParliaments under the new Treaty; this resulted in a new, informal dialogue withnational Parliaments, commonly referred to as the "political dialogue", or you mayknow it as the "Barroso initiative".The Commission's idea was to transmit directly to national Parliaments its newproposals and consultation papers, and to invite them to react, so as to improve theprocess of policy formulation and to involve national Parliaments more closely inEuropean affairs;But not only this: The Commission also committed itself to reply to all opinionsreceived by national Parliaments, which raise comments, criticism or simplyquestions, and to take the views expressed by national Parliaments into account.Ever since the dialogue has been considerably intensified: until now, theCommission has received almost 830 opinions from 36 Chambers [out of 40] of 26Member States, with a clear upward trend.I am very glad to see that the Spanish Parliament has also entered into this directdialogue with the Commission; it was an important moment to receive the firstSpanish opinion on our proposal concerning the Agency for the operationalmanagement of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice;the Spanish Parliament will shortly receive our reply, which is currently beingfinalised and translated, and which explains in detail why the Commission isconvinced that it would be better to entrust the management of the large scale ITsystems to a dedicated Agency, rather than to the Frontex Agency, as suggested bythe Spanish Parliament.But more than statistics, what should be remembered is that this major politicalinitiative was an expression of the Commission's drive for a new culture in Europeaninter-institutional affairs.Our direct cooperation is important for a simple reason: we deal with the future ofthe same citizens. A positive result of our cooperation could improve Europeans’trust in democracy.
We need to consider that positive relations between the Commission and nationalParliaments mean a democratic improvement. We are part of the same effort toreinforce democracy in Europe.First of all, we have to create and maintain a climate of openness, mutual respect,and effective co-operation.The Commission sees itself as a “facilitator” of the parliamentary search forinformation, and for cooperation between parliaments.In our opinion, the presence in Brussels of the representatives of the nationalParliaments is extremely useful; it creates an important network for cooperationbetween national Parliaments, the European Parliament and the Commission; it isimportant for us to have them as contact points on the spot, and I believe it isimportant for you to have someone close to the EU institutions, able to follow thedecision making process and to provide you with information "from the sources"; wetherefore very much welcome that a representative of the Cortes Generales is alsopresent and working in Brussels.Of course I am aware that the network of national Parliament representatives inBrussels is currently the platform where the main coordination efforts betweennational Parliaments are taking place as for the application of the Protocol onsubsidiarity check.The Commission fully trusts that national Parliaments will use this new mechanismin a constructive way, and as you know, we have always seen the subsidiarity checkmechanism as an opportunity, rather than as a risk.The Commission was ready to implement this new Treaty mechanism as of the daythe Lisbon Treaty entered into force.Immediately after the entry into function of the new College beginning of February2010, the Commission started sending to national Parliaments draft legislativeproposals falling under the subsidiarity check mechanism.Until now the Commission has sent 57 proposals to national Parliaments andreceived 97 opinions. 18 of these opinions were negative; so far, the so-calledyellow or orange card, have not been triggered;Most of the negative opinions from national Parliaments referred to our proposals onSeasonal workers and the Deposit guarantee scheme; we are now in the process ofcarefully analysing these opinions, which we will take into account and to which wewill reply, in any case as part of the political dialogue.The recent examples have confirmed what I think everybody knew before: that the 8weeks deadline is relatively short, that the thresholds are rather difficult to reach andthat most of the comments we receive from national Parliaments actually refer to thecontent of our proposals, rather than to subsidiarity issues.This is why we think it is so important to continue and to intensify our "politicaldialogue", which enables national Parliaments to share with us their comments onall Commission documents, be they of legislative or non legislative nature, and onall aspects, including content, legal base, proportionality - not only subsidiarity.In fact, for us the subsidiarity control mechanism has to be seen as only a part ofour broader political relationship with national Parliaments. We definitely do not wantour relations to be reduced to subsidiarity control, as important as this may be.Secondly, we need political contact and debate. I intend to visit all 40 Chambers inthe course of the current mandate, and my colleagues are also intensifying theircontacts with national Parliaments, meeting as many national Parliaments as theycan to present the Commission's positions and to discuss with national Parli
We of course also welcome and encourage any visit of national Parliaments toBrussels and the EU institutions; and let's also not forget the numerous constructivecontacts we have established at services level and the participation of nationalParliaments in our public consultations.Last but not least, the Commission has always been in favour of giving greater valueto inter-parliamentary cooperation, be it within the COSAC framework, or throughthe European Parliament.National Parliaments have now entered a sort of "reflection period" in particular asregards cooperation in the context of the subsidiarity control mechanism.Discussions will continue in a few days at the COSAC meeting, with the participationof President Barroso and President Van Rompuy.From my point of view, cooperation between national Parliaments and theCommission could have a clear added value in the fields where national Parliamentshave a greater say:----the evaluation of Eurojust's activities and in the scrutiny of Europol;scrutiny of the Common Security and Defence Policy, after the EuropeanSecurity and Defence Assembly will have been winded down in June 2011;the Commission's Work Programme;the Europe 2020 strategy; European economic governance, and morespecifically budgetary questions;
In this context, I cannot conclude my intervention without saying a few words on twoof the issues on which I think there is great opportunity for a closer cooperationbetween national Parliaments and the Commission: the EU 2020 Strategy andeconomic governance more generally; and the EU's budget review.On Europe 2020, sound public finance - and restoring confidence amongst ourcitizens and the markets - are a means to an end: growth for jobs. This must be ouroverarching priority. It is at the core of the Europe 2020 strategy. Let me know giveyou an overview of where we stand.The Europe 2020 strategy was launched by Heads of States last June, now is timeto work together- Member States, European Institutions, but also nationalparliaments, regional and local level, social partners- on its implementation.Ownership at all levels is a key element for success.I would like to particularly highlight the key role of national Parliaments in the Europe2020 strategy. In this context, it is important that you fully engage with your nationalgovernment in the preparation of your National Reform Programme. I stronglywelcome the fact that many national Parliaments have already been closely involvedin drafting the NRP.Indeed, a consensus at national level on the reform programme is essential, evenmore so because some reforms will not be easy to implement, but neverthelessnecessary. Last but not least, your role in raising ownership at national level isessential to close the delivery gap that existed under the Lisbon strategy.As you know, the European Semester for policy coordination is now in place andprovides a framework for an integrated and enhanced surveillance cycle.I would like to underline once more that the European Semester fully respects theprerogatives of national Parliaments, and that Member States will not be asked tosubmit their draft budgets to the European Commission before they are discussed inthe national Parliament.
As set out in the Commission proposal, Member States would submit: (i) an updateof the fiscal plans for the current year; (ii) a macroeconomic scenario underpinningbudgetary projections; (iii) concrete indications on plans for the following budget; (iv)a description of the envisaged policies; and medium-term budgetary projections formain government variables.Let me conclude by underlining that the Europe 2020 strategy is about all of usmoving in the same direction, and bringing added value by supporting each otherthrough common actions and instruments. This is the only way to move Europe2020 forward and on the right path for our future growth that needs to be smart,sustainable and inclusive.And to deliver on Europe 2020 strategy, we must use all our instruments at ourdisposal. And this includes the EU budget.The European Commission has just this week published its communication on thebudget review: Lessons learnt for tomorrow's budget.This is the fruit of an open debate without taboos, notably about the principles tounderpin the future EU budget beyond 2013. I would like to encourage the CortesGenerales to participate actively in the debate.Our objective is to achieve a European budget that is up to the challenges we arefacing collectively, not necessarily through increased expenditure, but by focussingon the right priorities, the added value, results and the quality of Europeanspending. On the resource side, it is high time to promote a fair and transparentsystem that is understood by citizens.The EU budget can make its own contribution at a time of intense pressure onpublic spending – by ensuring that we have the maximum impact from every Eurospent, and that we only spend at EU level where this is better value than at nationallevel. We must help deliver key policy priorities for European citizens, programmesthat have a real positive impact.Our number one priority: smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Pooling ourresources together on key issues will help Member States save money and willavoid duplications. For example, costly research and innovation investment as wellas key transnational infrastructures should be financed at EU level.Cohesion policy will remain the best expression of European solidarity – but it willalso give best value if it supports the policy priorities common to the whole ofEurope. This is in any event the best way to reduce the gap between poorer andricher regions. So funds should become a way to deliver on the Europe 2020targets; and Europe 2020 objectives must be translated into investment priorities inline with national reform programmes.The Commission suggests creating a "development and investment partnershipcontract" based on a common strategic framework. The framework would outline aninvestment strategy on which Member States would present their developmentstrategy addressing the priorities of EU 2020. This would consist of a developmentand investment partnership contract between each Member State and theCommission reflecting the commitments of partners at national and regional level.A final word on own resources – firstly let me dispel any misunderstanding: thedebate is about finding the right mix of resources for the Union, not to find additionalresources. It is about increasing the transparency of how the EU is funded and thusmake it more understandable for the ordinary citizen. The Commission thereforeputs forward the option of reducing Member States’ contributions by progressivelyintroducing one or several new own resources as a replacement.
Possible candidates for new own resources could be a share of a financialtransaction or financial activities tax, auctioning of green house gas emissionallowances, an EU charge related to air transport, a separate EU VAT rate, a shareof an EU energy tax or of an EU corporate income tax. This is now open fordiscussion.I have outlined the context for our relations, and the challenging issues ahead of us.I very much welcome the interest demonstrated by the Cortes in European affairs,and I look forward to a close involvement in the decisive debates now taking placein Europe.We will do everything we can to support the Cortes Generales in this respect andthis conference is an excellent occasion to have a first discussion on how a moreintensive cooperation could look like in the future.Thank you for your attention.