Uddannelsesudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
UDU Alm.del Bilag 21
YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN DEMOCRACYRegional Seminar for the 12+ Group
The Attlee Suite, Portcullis HousePalace of Westminster,London, United Kingdom8 and 9 December 2010
Monday 11 October 2010
Dear «12+ Member»,
"Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation.Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace. If, however, theyare left on society's margins, all of us will be impoverished. Let us ensure that allyoung people have every opportunity to participate fully in the lives of theirsocieties."Kofi Annan
Participation in Democracy. The resolution aimed to highlight the importance of
In April 2010 the IPU Assembly passed a resolution entitled Youth
giving young people a political voice and to promote their knowledge andparticipation in democratic political activities. The objective of this seminar is tobuild on the resolution and to identify ways to take the process forward.
With this regional seminar we are inviting parliamentarians from aroundEurope to come together to discuss ways in which we can better involve youth inshaping their future. The topics on the agenda will be introduced by Members ofParliament and the emphasis will be very much on discussion and a free and frankexchange of views. English and French interpretation will be provided.Please find enclosed a registration form, which we invite your Parliamentto return to the BGIPU Secretariat no later than 5 November 2010. In this regard,we should inform you that the conference room in the House of Commons hasits delegation to a maximum of three people, including advisers and secretaries.limited seating capacity, which is why we kindly request your Parliament to limit
YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN DEMOCRACYRegional Seminar for the 12+ Group
The Attlee Suite, Portcullis HousePalace of Westminster,London, United Kingdom8 and 9 December 2010
Lastly, we would like to point out that participants should handle allmatters relating to their visas, hotel accommodation and transportation.We look forward to the participation of your Parliament in the Seminar.
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Evans MPChair of the British Group IPU
Anders B. JohnssonSecretary General
Encl.: Provisional ProgrammeRegistration Form

Invitationen er omdelt i KOU og UDU. Evt. ønsker om deltagelse bedes meddelt Udvalgssekretariatet

snarest muligt mhp. evt. drøftelse i udvalget.