Uddannelsesudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
UDU Alm.del Bilag 125
Mrs. ChadotteDyremoseChairperson the E,ducationofCommitteeof the Folketinget
Mr. Kdstian Thulesen - DahlChatrman the EconomicsCommitteeofofthe Folketinget
cc:Henrik Dam trkistensenChatrman the Nordic Council'sDanish delegationofKamillu l$elgaard, Head of SectionPeder H, PedeFsen,Head of Section6 January20111/0111-23
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Baltic Assembly I would like to inform you that we are organtzinethe=capttalroundtable discussion "The capaciq of the region to develop: humanandknowledge-basedeconomy" to be held on 11 February 2011in Tallinn, Estonia.Competitiveness of the countries and regions is closely connected with a set ofinstitutions, policies and factots that determine the level of producuvity of a coun ttyot aregion. In order to ensure competitiveness of a country or a region, researchandeducation, innovation and technologies, must be defined as the decis-ivepillars. Humancapital is the k"y strategic instrument for ensuring success in the gto6ut economy;however during the tecent years our region has lost considerable grorrid in the ,"..ioknowledge economy.In the case of the Baltic States, the most sensitive issues are connected withsuchchallengesas rnigration, aging of population, brain drain, decreaseof funding fiomthestatebudget fot researchand development, and weakening of the pdvate sector. Despitethe close political and economic cooperation existi.tg u-orrg the Baltic States,therels agreat need fot more common initiatives to stimulate closei cooperation in developinghuman capttal, being the basis to strengthen the competitiven.r, of the regiontnE"nakey strategic instrument to ensute successin the regional and glob"lThe EU".orro]''y.Baltic Sea Strategy and the transposition of experi"r.. of the Nordic cooperationinresearchand innovation are only some of the most visible tools the Baltic Statescan usein order to increasetheir competitiveness.This padtamentary discussion will focus on the following topics: frstly, the developmentof innovative entrepreneurship, and secondly, the .o.r.luuon between researchandbusinessfrom a tegron^lperspective.Al1ow me to reassure the determination expressedin the Annual Sumrnitof the NordicCouncil and the Baltic Assembly to establish a more pragmatic and result-orientedcooperation between the Nordic Council and the Baltic adr"-Uty, and developa closerframework of cooperation with the standing committees of theNordic and Balticnauonal patliaments.Therefore on behalf of the Baluc Assembiy allowme to invite up to
two membets ftom the respective standing committees of your padiament to participatein the above-mentioned roundtable discussion.Please {ind attached the programme ofthe discussion,and inform us about your participauon by l February 2011at the latest.Sincerely,
Trivimi VellistePresident the BalticAssemblyof
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