Trafikudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
TRU Alm.del Bilag 5
Your used tyres are a valuable resourcethat should not be dumped or burnedBesøg af Transportudvalget i Mindelheim, 22. september 2010
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Velkomst, Genan generelt og Genans historie med asfalt (MH)Modificering af asfalt i Tyskland (Prof. Damm)
Rundvisning på fabrikkenPause, forfriskningStøjreducerende gummiasfalt (Carsten Rickers)Diskussion og spørgsmålLife Cycle Assessment, besparelse i drivhusgasser og miljø (LR) samt diskussionAfgang til München
Indlægsholdere:Professor, dr. Ing., Klaus-Werner Damm, en af Tysklands førende eksperter i asfaltteknologi ogmedlem af flere udvalg under FGSV, der står for udarbejdelsen af det tyske RegelwerkCarsten Rickers, Amt für Strassen und Verkehrstechnik, Stadt KölnMichael Hvam, Global Sales Director, Genan Gruppen GmbHLars Raahauge, Director of Business Development, Genan Business & Development A/S
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“True recycling requires processing at a level where theoutput substitutes virgin materials.Consequently this leads to avoided production and a profoundsaving of resources.”
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Verdens største recycler af brugte dæk
35,000 tons fabrikViborg, Danmark, I drift siden 1990Kapaciteten fordobles til 70,000 tons i 2011
65,000 tons fabrikOranienburg, Berlin, Tyskland, i drift siden2003
70,000 tons fabrikDorsten, NRW, Tyskland, i drift siden2008
70,000 tons fabrikMindelheim, Bayern, Tyskland, 2010
100,000 tons fabrikFørste amerikanske fabrik åbnes i Houston, Texas i 2011
Total kapacitet i 2011: 365,000 tonsPage 4
Polymer modificering af bitumen i Europa 2006
Kilde: European Asphalt Pavement Association 2008
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Polymer modificering af bitumen i Tyskland
YearKild: European Asphalt Pavement Association 2008
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Hvad er Road+ ?100 dele gummipulver fraGenan4,5 deleVestemaner� fraEvonik
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Sammenligning af Road+ vs. SBS i forholdet 2,5:1Dokumenteret bedre performance når det drejer sig om:
SporkørselRevnerStøjdæmpningHøje såvel som lave temperaturerHøje såvel som lave belastninger
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Miljøet - Udvaskning
Mindre udvaskning af organiske materialer
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Miljøet - Emissioner
Emissioner er målt både ved blanding og udlægningIngen konstatering af N-nitrosaminesMindre emissioner af VOC’er og SVOC’er sammenlignet med konventionel polymer modificeretasfalt
*) according to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)n.d. – not detectable, i.e. amount below detection limit(DL = 0,1 μg/m�)n.a. – not assessedAbbreviations:VOC – volatile organic compoundsSVOC – semi-volatile organic compoundsPAH – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsPmB - polymer modified bitumenSource: FABES Forschungs-GmbH für Analytik undBewertung von Stoffübergängent
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Life Cycle Assessment
Recycling versus Co-incineration and Civil Engineering Applications
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What is a LCA-study?Evaluates and measures all known environmental impacts of a specific choice
….. of all steps in the complete life cycle of a particular product
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Waste Hierarchy - TyresBest solutionDoes the waste hierarchyadopted by the EU standfor a detailedLCA-analysiswithin thetopic ofscraptyres?
Reduction- Traffic policyRetreading- UneconomicMaterial recovery- Genan conceptIncineration- Cement kilnsLandfill- Now banned in the EU
Worst solution
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The choice to be analyzedRecycling vs. Co-incinerationUse
1 tonne of used tyres
System boundariesMaterial recycling route
Co-incineration route
Shredding, cleaning, separation, etc. at Genan’s plant
Incineration and oxidationin cement kiln
~67% rubber granulateProduction ofadditive polymer(Vestenamer)75% < 1.4 mmProduction ofrubber asphalt/PMB
~18% steel
~14% textile
<1% mineral &other waste
Combustiblecomponents(textile, rubber,carbon black, etc.)
Non-combustiblecomponents(ZnO, steel, etc.)
25% > 1.4 mmUse as infillincl. end-of-lifeco-incineration
Generation ofscrap/production ofvirgin steel
Energyproduction incement kiln
Energy production
Production ofcement
Avoided processesProduction ofbitumen andsynthetic rubberProduction ofEPDM/TPE infillincl. end-of-life co-incinerationExtraction ofiron oreEnergysource(s)
Avoided processesExtraction of ironore and silica
Energy source(s)
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The choice to be analyzedRecycling vs. Civil Engineering ApplicationsUse
1 tonne of used tyres
System boundariesMaterial recycling route
Civil engineering route
Shredding, cleaning, separation, etc. at Genan’s plant
Shredding of tyres
~67% rubber granulateProduction ofadditive polymer(Vestenamer)75% < 1.4 mmProduction ofrubber asphalt/PMB
~18% steel
~14% textile
<1% mineral &other waste
25% > 1.4 mmUse as infillincl. end-of-lifeco-incineration
Generation ofscrap/production ofvirgin steel
Energyproduction incement kiln
Use as drainage layer in landfills
Avoided processesProduction ofbitumen andsynthetic rubberProduction ofEPDM/TPE infillincl. end-of-life co-incinerationExtraction ofiron oreEnergysource(s)
Avoided processes
Extraction of aggregates
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Quality Standard
ISO 14040ISO 14044
All elements described as compulsory in the above mentioned ISO standards are included.
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Report written by:
Material Recycling vs. Co-incinerationJürgen Giegrich and Regine VogtIFEUInstitut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbHAnders Schmidt, Nanja Hedal Kløverpris
Ioannis Bakas, Birgitte Jørgensen Kjær
Material Recycling vs. Civil EngineeringAnders Schmidt, Nanja Hedal Kløverpris
Ioannis Bakas, Birgitte Jørgensen Kjær
Jürgen Giegrich and Regine VogtIFEUInstitut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbHExpert knowledge by:Tommy Edeskär
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Critical review panel
Material Recycling vs. Co-incinerationOscar Salas, GAIKER, Spain (Chairman)Edorta Laurrauri, GAIKER, SpainLeire Barruetabeña, GAIKER, Spain
Dr. W. Trinius, Ingenieurbüro TriniusDr. Hans Theodor Grunder, Ökologische Bewertung von Bauprodukten, Germany
Material Recycling vs. Civil Engineering ApplicationsOscar Salas, GAIKER, Spain (Chairman)Leire Barruetabeña, GAIKER, Spain
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Impact Categories Researched
Global Warming Potential *
Acidification potential *Nutrification potential, waterNutrification potential, soilToxicity potential (carcinogenic risk)Toxicity potential (acute humane PM10)Photochemical ozone creation potentialCumulative energy demand (balance of fossil fuel use) *Non-energy resource depletion (iron)
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Results – Comparison with Co-incinerationGWP Base case1.1 ton/ton
GWP Waste subst.Acidification
2.6 ton/ton5.3 kg/ton
5 other categories Sign. positive2 other categories InsignificantIn the EU 1,098,000 tons scrap tyres are yearly incineratedThe potential CO2 savings are therefore in the area of 2.9 Mton
Comparison with civil engineering applicationsGWP savings approx. 1.8 tons CO2/ton scrap tyre input
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Overall conclusion
Civil Engineering applications are filling operations with no environmental benefitsCo-incineration in cement kilns is better than civil engineering and landfills
Recycling is, however, far more beneficial than co-incineration with robust and clearbenefits in 7 out of 9 environmental indicators2 indicators not statistically significant
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