Trafikudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
TRU Alm.del Bilag 196
Berlin, 10 February 2011
Franz Thönnes, Member of the German BundestagParliamentary State Secretary (retired)German Bundestag, Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin, GermanyTel.: +49 30 227 71128, Fax: +49 30 227 76828
Project outline“FBQ -Fördern – Bilden – Qualifizieren” (Advancement – Training – Qualifications)in constructing the Fehmarnbelt linkOn 26 March and 18 June 2009, the Danish and German parliaments decidedin favour of constructing a link across the Fehmarnbelt This important decisionFehmarnbelt.created a good basis for the development of even closer ties between the twocountries and in northern Europe as a whole Alongside ferry lines and airwhole.transport, bridges and tunnels provide key links between countries that areseparated by bodies of water. Any link requires the solid foundation thatcomes from positive cultural coexistence among the populations concernedconcerned.Cross-border labour markets therefore become increasingly important when suchborderlinks are constructed We see this as being the case for Germany and the regions of SønderjylSønderjylland and Schleswig-Flensburg.The main focus of the attached project outline is providing young people fromDenmark and Germany with joint vocational training during the construction ofthe Fehmarnbelt link. The training will conform to Danish and German traininglaws and will include developing German, Danish and English language skills.An estimated 7,000 workers will be required during the construction phase of000the link. This project proposes training between 600 and 800 young Germank.and Danish apprentices during this time and allowing them to take the finalexamination in line with Danish and German lawlaw.
A limited number of young people from the Baltic States could also be integratedinto the training programme.It would doubtless be possible to secure additional funding from Europeansources, such as the European Social Fund, the EU Strategy for the BalticSea Region, etc.One way of implementing the scheme would be to found a training andqualification company which would employ the apprentices and wouldorganise, during the construction phase, the three-and-a-half-yearapprenticeship in all trades and business sectors in the company and thebusinesses involved in building the link.Ideally, the apprenticeship should be developed in cooperation with the Germanand Danish chambers of crafts and chambers of industry and commerce. This isbecause the project aims to provide the apprentices with bilingual training thatwill qualify them for the common labour market.The “FBQ – Fördern – Bilden – Qualifizieren” project is designed to strengthen,during the construction of the fixed link across the Fehmarnbelt, socio-economic relationships in the region by harnessing the growth effects that willresult from building the link. The FBQ project is primarily concerned with thefuture of young people in the Fehmarnbelt region, which is why it aims toprovide young people with transnational training. The exact objectives of theinitiative are as follows:Providing transnational vocational training and qualification that leads to amultifunctional qualification and international employment perspectiveswith training certificates recognised in Germany and Denmark; ensuring ahigh level of transnational mobility through multilingualism and multiculturalcompetenceProviding young people with training in skilled occupations for the newtransnational joint economic regionDisseminating Danish and German training standards in the Baltic SearegionStrengthening cooperation between trainers of different nationalitiesTransferring knowledge and competences, boosting collaborationMutually recognising vocational qualifications.Completing a unique, joint apprenticeship project – the Fehmarnbelt linkCreating high-quality apprenticeships and jobsDeveloping a well-trained, flexible and mobile workforce, and a highdegree of inclusionMaking the region more competitive and attractive by achieving a highlevel of employment