Socialudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
SOU Alm.del Bilag 69
, 25-26 NOVEMBER
08:45 - 09:1509:15 - 10:30Arrival and Registration of ParticipantsOpening SpeechesObjective: to introduce the aims of the conference and set the platform fordiscussions. Perspective on the latest developments and future stepstowards a strategy.Ms Viviane Reding, Vice President of the European Commission,EU Commissioner responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights andCitizenship.Minister Milquet, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister forEmployment and Equal Opportunities, in charge of Migration andAsylum Policy, Belgium – Presentation of the declaration from theWomen Ministers Summit on violence against women.Ms Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence againstWomen, its causes and consequences.
10:30 - 11:0011:00 - 12:45
Coffee breakPanel: Origins, causes and social aspects of violence against womenObjective: to look at underlying causes of violence against women, trends,social and policy aspects. Perspective on historical inequalities.Chair: Ms Belinda Pyke, Director DG EMPLPanellists:Prof. Dr. Carol Hagemann-White, University of Osnabrück. Seniorresearcher:Origins and causes of violence against women.Ms Ragnhild Bendiksby, Deputy Director General, the Departmentof Family Affairs and Equality in the Norwegian Ministry ofChildren, Equality and Social Inclusion:Violence against Womenfrom a historical Gender perspective.Mr Vincent Libert, Director, Praxis, Belgium:Perspectives on thesources of violence resulting from work with perpetrators.Ms Manuela Samek, Expert Group on Gender equality and socialinclusion, health and long term care issues (EGGSI):Violenceagainst Women and the role of gender equality, social inclusion andhealth strategies.
12:45 - 14:1514:15 – 16:00
Lunch breakPanel: Legal Aspects in Combating Violence against WomenObjective: to introduce the results of the DG JUSTICE study to assessopportunities to standardise national legislation on gender violence andviolence against children and discuss legal instruments currently in place,their implementation and possibilities for future legislative initiatives.Chair: Ms Lotte Knudsen, Director DG JUSTICEPanellists:Prof. Liz Kelly, Senior researcher, London Metropolitan University- CWASU:Conclusions and recommendations from the 'Feasibilitystudy to assess the possibilities, opportunities and needs tostandardize national legislation on violence against women,violence against children and sexual orientation violence'/ Dr.Renée Römkens, Researcher legal aspects - Tilburg University -INTERVICT.Council of Europe representative: Council of Europe DraftConvention on preventing and combating violence against womenand domestic violence.Ms. Aurora Mejia, General Director of International JudicialCooperation and Relations with the Confessions, Ministry ofJustice, Spain:The Spanish experience on legislation and itsimpact.Dr Nicolas Beger, Director, Amnesty International EuropeanInstitutions office:Reflection on the general legislative frameworkand opportunities in Europe addressing all levels including thesituation of the victims.
Debate16:00 - 16:3016:30 - 18:00Coffee breakPanel: Special Forms of Violence (EU and international experience)Objective: to discuss the special forms of violence, including female genitalmutilation (FGM), how they can be eradicated from Europe and share theresults of the DG JUSTICE study on Harmful Practices.Chair: Dr. Marleen Timmerman, Director of the International Centre forReproductive HealthPanellists:Mr Jean Albert, Law Office DBB (Demolin-Brulard-Barthelemy):Different approaches in fighting Female Genital Mutilation.Ms Christine Loudes, Campaign Director (End FGM-Europeancampaign), Amnesty International Ireland:End FGM Campaign.Ms Jasmina Byrne, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF Innocenti
Research Centre:Best practices in dealing with FGM.Ms Khadidiatou Diallo, President, Groupe pour l'abolition desmutilations sexuelles (GAMS), Belgium:NGO actions in fightingFGM.Debate
09:00 - 11:00Panel: How to fight violence against women - Towards an EU strategyObjective: to discuss the challenges when addressing the phenomenon, theactions required for effective prevention, protection and prosecution, andthe added value of the EU strategy.Chair: Ms Fran§oise Le Bail, Director General of DG JUSTICEPanellists:Mr Freddy Gazan, Advisor at the Service for Criminal Justice;Federal Public Service Justice, Belgium:The COLL (obligatoryreporting) experience and treatment of perpetrators.Ms Minna Piispa, Development Manager; National Institute forHealth and Welfare, Finland:Added value of EU action –Perspective of a Member StateMs Rosa Logar, Women Against Violence Europe-WAVE:Theexpectations of the civil society from the strategy.Ms Myria Vassiliadou, Secretary General of European Women'sLobby-EWL:The expectations of the civil society from the strategy.Ms Andrea Murray, Chair of the EU Advisory Committee on EqualOpportunities between Women and Men:Expert Opinion for an EUStrategy on Violence Against Women and Girls.
Debate11:00 - 11:3011:30 - 12:45Coffee BreakClosing Speeches12:45 - 14:30Ms Sabine de Bethune, MP, BelgiumRepresentative from incoming Hungarian Presidency (tbc)Ms Eva-Britt Svensson, Chair of the European Parliament'sCommittee on Women's Rights and Gender EqualityMs Michelle Bachelet, Head of UN WOMEN (tbc)Ms Fran§oise Le Bail, Director General of DG JUSTICE
Buffet lunch