Socialudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
SOU Alm.del Bilag 46
Conference on the Green Paper on Pensions
European CommissionEmployment, Social Affairs and Equal OpportunitiesConference on the Green Paper on Pensions
Conference on the Green Paper on PensionsBrussels, Charlemagne Building29 October 2010
8:15Start of registration9:00Opening statement by Mr. László Andor (Commissioner for Employment,Social Affairs and Inclusion – European Commission)And Mr. Michel Daerden (Minister for Pensions – Belgium)9:20Keynote speech by Mr. Nicholas Barr (Professor – London School ofEconomics)10:00Coffee break10:30Morning parallel panel sessions1. How can Europe contribute to adequate and sustainable pensionsby promoting active and healthy ageing?Panel members:Mr. John Monks (Secretary General – European Trade UnionConfederation)Mr. Willem Handels (Vice-Chairman of the European PensionsForum – Business Europe)Ms. Anne Sophie Parent (Director – AGE)Mr. Andreas Storm (State Secretary to the Federal Minister ofLabour and Social Affairs – Germany)Chair:Ms. Pervenche Berès (Chair of the Employment and Social AffairsCommittee – European Parliament)2. How can Europe promote adequate and sustainable pensions andsound public finances?Panel members:Mr. Henk Kamp, (Minister for Social Affairs and Employment –Netherlands)Mr. George Sabin Cutaş (rapporteur of the Green Paper in theEconomic and Monetary Affairs Committee – European Parliament)Mr. Pedro Marques (State Secretary for Social Security – Portugal)Ms. Anita Schwarz (Lead pension specialist – World Bank, Europeand Central Asia)Chair:Mr. Olli Rehn (Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs –European Commission)2October 2010
European CommissionEmployment, Social Affairs and Equal OpportunitiesConference on the Green Paper on Pensions
12:30Lunch, Press Conference14:00Afternoon parallel panel sessions3. How can pension systems be more European by removingbarriers for the mobility of workers and the development of pensionfunds?Panel members:Mr. Eric Woerth (Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Civil Service –France)Ms. Ria Oomen-Ruijten (rapporteur of the Green Paper in theEmployment and Social Affairs Committee – European Parliament)Ms. Monika Queisser (Head of the Social Policy Division – OECD)Mr. Robin Blackburn (Professor – Essex University)Chair:Mr. László Andor (Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs andInclusion – European Commission)4. How can Europe promote pension safety and transparency?Panel members:Mr. Steven John Webb (Minister for Pensions – United Kingdom)Mr. Gabriel Bernardino (Chairman – CEIOPS, Committee ofEuropean Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors)Mr. Martin van Rijn (CEO – PGGM)Mr. Michael Cichon (Director, Social Security Department – ILO)Chair:Mr. Jonathan Faull (Director General, Directorate General InternalMarket and Services – European Commission)15:30Coffee break15:45Closing statementsMr. Olli Rehn (Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs –European Commission)Mr. Miklós Réthelyi (Minister for National Resources – Hungary)Mr. László Andor (Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs andInclusion – European Commission)
3October 2010