Socialudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
SOU Alm.del Bilag 42
Brussels, ……………………………………….
Dear Chairwoman,Dear Chairman,Dear Colleague,We are pleased to invite you to the Conference of the Chairpersons of the Social Affairs and PublicHealth committees that will take place in Brussels on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th December 2010,as part of the parliamentary activities organized by the federal Parliament of Belgium during the BelgianPresidency of the European Union.We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it has been decided to change the date firstchosen for the Conference in order to avoid its taking place at the same time as the EPSCO Council.The key issues selected for the Conference are employment and the fight against poverty, and debateswill cluster around the following themes :- measures to foster employment as a means of fighting poverty;- provisions with respect to a minimum income and the fight against poverty;- conditions for access – and impediments – to social integration (especially in the field of health).Attached you will find the draft programme, the registration form and further practical information.Hotel bookings have to be made online via the website look forward to seeing you in Brussels on 7-8 December 2010.Yours sincerely,
Dirk CLAESChair of the Social AffairsCommittee of the Senate
Hans BONTEChair of the Public Health,Environment and SocietyRenewal Committee ofthe House of Representatives
Yvan MAYEURChair of the Social AffairsCommittee of the Houseof Representatives