Socialudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
SOU Alm.del Bilag 42
Programme for the Conferenceof the Social Affairs and Public Health Committee Chairsof the Parliaments of the Member States of the European Unionand the Candidate StatesBrussels, 7-8 December 2010Palais de la Nation – Place de la Nation 2 – 1008 BrusselsDraft version (01.10.2010)

Tuesday 7 december 2010

11:30 Transfer by coach from the hotelsFrom 11:30 AccreditationVenue : Péristyle12:00-13:30 Lunch hosted by Mr Danny PIETERS, Speaker of the SenateVenue : Residence of the Speaker of the Senate13:30 Welcome speech by Mr André FLAHAUT, Speaker of the HouseVenue : Plenary Hall of the House

Theme nr. 1 —

Measures to foster Employment as a means of Fighting Poverty

13:45 Introduction by Mr Yvan MAYEUR,Chair of the Social Affairs Committee of the House14:00 Overview by Mrs Joëlle MILQUET,Deputy-Prime Minister and Minister of Employment and Equal opportunities14:15 Overview by an expert about the Situation in Europe14:45 Debate15:45 Family photoCoffee break

Theme nr. 2 —

Provisions with respect to a minimum income and the fight against poverty

16:15 Introduction by Mr Dirk CLAES,Chair of the Social Affairs Committee of the Senate16:30 Overview by Mr Philippe COURARD,Secretary of State in charge of Social Integration and Fight against Poverty16:45 Overview by an expert about the Situation in Europe17:15 Debate18:15 Transfer by coach to the hotels19:45 Transfer by coach from the hotels20:00 Dinner hosted by Mr André FLAHAUT, Speaker of the HouseVenue : Residence of the Speaker of the House22:15 Transfer by coach to the hotels

Wednesday 8 december 2010

8:30 Transfer by coach from the hotelsFrom 8:30 AccreditationVenue : Péristyle, Place de la Nation 2

Theme nr. 3 —

Conditions for access - and impediments - to Social Integration (especially Health)

9:00 Introduction by Mr Hans BONTE,Chair of the Public Health Committee of the House9:15 Overview by an expert about the Situation in Europe9:45 Overview by Mrs Laurette ONKELINX,Deputy-Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health10:00 Debate11:00 Coffee break11:30 Conclusions by Mr László ANDOR,European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion(tobe confirmed)12:00 Debate12:30 Buffet lunch at the Residence of the Speaker of the Senate14:00 Optional guided tour of the House of Representatives and the Senate