Det Politisk-Økonomiske Udvalg 2010-11 (1. samling)
PØU Alm.del Bilag 18
Dear Mister President,Dear Madam President,
The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union hasthe pleasure to invite you to the Conference on “Violence against women”co-organised with the European Commission and to be held on 25 and 26November.Violence against women is a criminal act that still exists in Europe whichholds severe consequences and, despite its prevalence, is oftenunder-recognised. Therefore, the Belgian Presidency and the EuropeanCommission are committed to fighting all forms of violence against women.The Conference on 25 and 26 November in Brussels will follow the 'WomenMinisters’ Summit on violence against women' organised by the BelgianPresidency on 24 November.The Conference is expected to gather a group of leaders, parliamentarians,experts, academics, NGOs and international organisations active in the fieldof combating violence against women. Aware of the crucial role to be playedby the national Parliaments in the fight against this violence, we believe it isvery important that representatives of those Parliaments take active part inthis event. In this regard, we would be honoured to welcome two membersof your Parliament at this Conference.Further information about the conference and the registration forms can befound on the following website: deadline to register to the Conference is5 November.Please feel freeto contact Mr Ekmel Çizmecioğlu ([email protected]),MsMarijkeWeewauters([email protected])or Mr Nicolas Belkacemi ([email protected]) should youhave any further questions. Please note that all the expenses related to yourtrip and accommodation will remain at your own costs.
Joëlle Milquet
Deputy Prime MinisterMinister of Employmentand Equal Opportunities,in charge of Migration and Asylum Policy