OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2010-11 (1. samling)
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 47
SC (11) SI 8 EOriginal: ENGLISH
Principal SponsorMs. Uta ZapfGermany
Principal Sponsor: Ms. Uta Zapf (Germany)
1. Keeping in mind the resolutions adopted by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly(OSCE PA) at its Annual Sessions in 1999 (St. Petersburg), 2000 (Bucharest), 2002(Berlin) and 2003 (Rotterdam), the report and resolution of 2007 (Kyiv) and the JointDeclaration of the OSCE Working Group on Belarus and the delegation from theBelarusian National Assembly on future cooperation signed in 2004 (Edinburgh),2. Noting with great disappointment that all efforts to hold a fruitful dialogue and tomake progress in the fulfilment of OSCE commitments, which were reaffirmed at theAstana Summit in December 2010 and signed by President Lukashenko, have failed,3. Deploring that the presidential elections in December 2010 were again not free andfair,4. Appalled by the brutal suppression of the protest demonstrations on 19 December2010, in the course of which more than 600 people were detained, including severalpresidential candidates and their campaign managers,5. Expressing its disappointment and lack of understanding that these persons are beingcharged with mass disturbances and risk being sentenced to up to 15 years’imprisonment,6. Appalled by the unjustified prison sentences which have already been imposed onsome demonstration participants,7. Welcoming the fact that the OSCE/ODIHR has been granted permission to observethe trials,8. Expressing deep regret that a fact-finding mission by the OSCE PA Working Groupon Belarus has been rejected by Belarus,9. Expressing deep regret that the Chair of the Working Group was refused a visa toobserve the trials,10. Expressing regret that Belarus has closed the OSCE Office in Minsk, and calling forthis decision to be reconsidered in order to continue the promised cooperation with theOSCE,11. Deeply dismayed that even small civil protests, for example, against rises in petrolprices, are resulting in arrests,The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:12. Calls for clarification of the facts surrounding statements by detainees who have fledabroad that the detainees in KGB prisons have been subjected to degrading treatment1
and torture, and demands an independent, international investigation of theseaccusations;13. Calls on Belarus to allow the independent expert appointed by the OSCE after theMoscow Mechanism was invoked to enter Belarus and take up and carry out his workunhindered;14. Calls for the release of all persons detained in connection with the demonstration, whomust be considered political prisoners;15. Expects, where this does not happen, prisoners to receive unimpeded access to legalcounsel, to be permitted visits from their families and friends, and to receive medicalcare;16. Calls, in this context, in particular for Belarus to cooperate closely with the OSCERepresentative on Freedom of the Media to resolve problems concerning thethreatened closure of independent media outlets and to develop a media law reflectingthe spirit of the OSCE principles;17. Expects there to be no repeat of acts of repression against human-rights activists, andinstead expects all institutions of the Belarusian administration to comply strictly withthe principles, to which Belarus is also a signatory, of the OSCE and of the humanrights conventions;18. Expects peaceful demonstrations and assemblies not to be banned in future;19. Calls on the authorities to end the persecution, intimidation and repression of membersof opposition political parties via the loss of jobs and university places;20. Deplores the repression of non-governmental organisations and calls for a simplifiedregistration process for these civil-society groups;21. Offers an outstretched hand for a renewed dialogue with Belarus in order to supportBelarus in taking its place in a democratic and free Europe under the rule of law.
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