OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2010-11 (1. samling)
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 47
SC (11) SI 9 EOriginal: ENGLISH
Principal SponsorMs. Walburga Habsburg DouglasSweden
DRAFT RESOLUTIONMoldovaPrincipal Sponsor: Ms. Walburga Habsburg Douglas (Sweden)1. Recalling the previous resolutions on the Republic of Moldova of the OSCEParliamentary Assembly, adopted earlier during the Annual Sessions,2. Recognizing progress made with regard to ensuring the development of democraticinstitutions in the Republic of Moldova, including progress in meeting OSCEcommitments noted by the OSCE election observation mission during the lastparliamentary elections in November 2010,3. Noting the political impasse in electing a head of state and the need for much greaterpolitical dialogue among political forces in Moldova,4. Recognizing that the existence of an unsettled conflict in the Transnistrian region of theRepublic of Moldova constitutes a threat to security and stability in Europe and theOSCE area,5. Reaffirming the OSCE commitments to finding a solution to the Transnistrian conflictthrough the 5+2 negotiations process,6. Noting intensified consultations among the sides in the negotiations process,The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:7. Calls for the resumption of the settlement talks in the 5+2 format, with the efforts of themediators from the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and the OSCE, and the European Union(EU) and the United States as observers in the settlement negotiations;8. Considers that identification of the special legal status for the Transnistrian region in thecomposition of the Republic of Moldova, while consolidating and ensuring thesovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within itsinternationally recognized borders, constitutes the major aim of the Transnistrian conflictsettlement process;9. Expresses its conviction that democratization throughout the Republic of Moldova wouldcontribute to achievement of this aim;10. Urges the Moldovan Government and the administration of the Transnistrian region tocontinue their efforts with regard to Confidence and Security Building Measures;11. Emphasizes that intensification of the dialogue between various institutions and publicorganizations from both sides of the Nistru River, as well as fostered people-to-peoplecontacts, would help to increase mutual trust and confidence;
12. Appeals to the Russian Federation to renew and finalize the process of withdrawal of itstroops and munitions from the territory of the Republic of Moldova in accordance withrelevant principles of international law and commitments undertaken in the OSCEframework;13. Reiterates the Assembly´s commitment to supporting the important work done by theOSCE Mission to Moldova;14. Invites all participants in the Transnistrian conflict settlement to undertake consultationswith a view to transforming the current peacekeeping mechanism into a multinationalcivilian mission under the international (OSCE) mandate;15. Welcomes the willingness of the parliament of Moldova and representatives of theSupreme Soviet to meet informally in Stockholm 2-3 October 2011, at a meetingfacilitated by the OSCE PA Parliamentary Team on Moldova;16. Reiterates the readiness of the OSCE Parliamentary Asssembly´s Parliamentary Team onMoldova to support peace, stability and rule of law in the country, including through thesupport of political dialogue in the Transnistrian settlement process.
[Set out text of Amendment here:]
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