OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2010-11 (1. samling)
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 47
SC (11) SI 17 EOriginal: ITALIAN
Principal SponsorMr. Claudio D’AmicoItaly
DRAFT RESOLUTIONProtection from Asbestos ContaminationPrincipal Sponsor: Claudio D’Amico, MP (Italy)
1. Whereas the term "asbestos" applies to a set of fibrous silicate minerals, and is aparticularly hazardous agent since exposure to the fibre can cause long-term damageto health, and in particular to the respiratory tract,2. Noting that some of the most common diseases among workers exposed to asbestosin the course of their employment are the formation of pleural plaques andpulmonary fibrosis known as "asbestosis". As long ago as 1935, evidence was foundto associate exposure to asbestos with lung cancer. Since then it has been proventhat this mineral produceslung cancersin humans, the extremely rarepleural andperitoneal mesothelioma,and an increase in cancers of the upper respiratory tract(larynx), the stomach, and perhaps also ovarian cancer, and tumours of the biliarytract, kidneys, lymph glands and, according to some writers, probably a rise inleukaemia,3. Underlining that 70% of the cases of exposure to asbestos occur in occupationalcontexts, because this fibre is present in numerous working environments, with theresult that large numbers of workers are being exposed to a potential health hazard,4. Emphasising that one epidemiological problem linked to mesothelioma is the factthat many countries have no comprehensive statistical data on the spread of thispathology. This lack of data is all the more serious because it also refers to majorasbestos manufacturing countries,5. Recognising that many countries in the West have adopted specific measures toreduce the risks of exposure to asbestos and provide incentives to remove anddispose of it. Taken together, all the statutory rules and regulations introduced indifferent legal and supranational systems to address the asbestos problem can bereduced to attaining these three objectives: to limit damage to human health causedby exposure to asbestos by introducing an appropriate system of social security; toprevent the use of this material in the building industry; to remove asbestos fromexisting buildings and ensuring its disposal as special waste,6. Noting that the rules and regulations are often not being enforced, and that despitethe statutory measures introduced by governments governing the gradual disposal ofasbestos, it is still present at dangerously high levels in many homes, in the roofs,pipes, drinking water tanks, chimneys or under vinyl flooring. Commonly agreedinternational measures should therefore be adopted to intensify the measures tocombat asbestos use, monitor each others' results in this regard and promote closerscientific cooperation, also by conducting epidemiological surveys,
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:7. To adopting domestic measures to ban asbestos once and for all, and advocate itsgradual removal from both public buildings and private buildings and disposing of itwith total security, preventing its release into the environment, the ground orunderground, guaranteeing workers appropriate protection against the risksconnected with exposure to asbestos during their work;8. To monitoring the results achieved by implementing these measures, also bydrafting regular reports encouraging the sharing of information on all the initiativesbeing taken to encourage the dissemination of best practices;9. To promoting the introduction or the enhancement of epidemiological surveys ofasbestos exposure, in order to make it possible for common preventive measures, orthe early diagnosis of correlated diseases, to be adopted internationally.
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Principal Sponsor:Mr/MrsFamily Name inCapital LettersCountrySignature
Co-sponsored by:Mr/MrsFamily Name inCapital LettersCountrySignature