OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2010-11 (1. samling)
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 37
AS (11) DRS 1 EOriginal: English
DRAFT RESOLUTIONFOR THE GENERAL COMMITTEE ONPOLITICAL AFFAIRS AND SECURITYStrengthening the OSCE’s Effectiveness and Efficiency –A New Start After the Astana SummitRAPPORTEURMr. Tonino PiculaCroatia
DRAFT RESOLUTION FOR THE GENERAL COMMITTEE ONPOLITICAL AFFAIRS AND SECURITYRapporteur: Mr. Tonino Picula (Croatia)1. Recalling past OSCE PA resolutions on the reform of the OSCE, strengthening of the co-operation between the OSCE and the OSCE PA and the future orientation of the OSCE,as well as the 2005 OSCE PA Colloquium Report,2. Welcoming the adoption of the Astana Commemorative Declaration, in particular thedecision by Heads of State and Government to recommit themselves to the vision of afree, democratic, common and indivisible Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian securitycommunity stretching from Vancouver to Vladivostok, and to reaffirm the relevance of,and our commitment to, the principles on which the OSCE is based,3. Regretting that the Astana Summit failed to adopt an Action Plan including guidelines forfurthering implementation, which would provide the OSCE with clearer guidelines for itsfuture activities,4. Expressing deep concern over the lack of consensus on a number of political issueswithin the OSCE which have led to the closure of the OSCE Mission to Georgia and theOSCE Office in Minsk,5. Deeply disturbed by the lack of progress in solving the protracted conflicts within theOSCE area,6. Realizing that changes to the security environment in recent years along with the unevenpace of integration, economic growth and democratic development as well as the issue offood security have led to the emergence of new problems in achieving comprehensivesecurity, which the OSCE should address,The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly7. Calls on the OSCE to continue its informal discussions started in the so-calledCorfuProcessunder the direct leadership of the Chairmanship with appropriate contribution bythe Parliamentary Assembly in order to define the future strategy of the OSCE within itscomprehensive security concept, also bearing in mind the consequences of the globaleconomic crisis and the most recent crisis in some countries of the Mediterranean;8. Urges the OSCE Chairmanship to develop a concrete plan of action to be reviewed at thenext Ministerial Council meeting in Vilnius with substantial proposals for future action;9. Encourages the OSCE to increase upon request the sharing of its values and experiencebeyond the OSCE area, particularly to Partner States and neighboring areas while at thesame time reinforcing the strategic cooperation with the EU, UN, Council of Europe andother relevant international organizations;10. Welcomes the current work to enhance the politico-military security dimension of theOSCE by updating the Vienna Document, and calls for further elaboration on the Code of
Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security as well as for increased efforts to startnegotiations on the strengthening and modernizing conventional arms control in Europe;11. Deplores the recent increase in tension around Nagorno Karabakh, and urges thatincreased political efforts be made within the OSCE to settle the unresolved conflicts inNagorno Karabakh, as well as in Moldova and Georgia;12. Calls for the Permanent Council of the OSCE to provide the Conflict Prevention Centerwith improved capacity for the Organization’s rapid reaction capability to be able to liveup to its mandate in situations like the 2010 crisis in Kyrgyzstan;13. Regrets the lack of consensus which led to the closure of the OSCE Mission to Georgiaand the OSCE Office in Belarus, and encourages the Chairmanship to continue to workfor a viable solution to restore their presence in order for the OSCE to remain relevant inthe field where it is most needed;14. Recognizes food self-sufficiency and security as one new and major challenge in severalOSCE participating States, and therefore calls on the OSCE to make this issue a priorityon its agenda with the goal of reducing political instability, radicalization of conflict andunacceptable inequalities;15. Requests Parliaments of OSCE participating States to commit themselves to curbincreases in the price of agricultural commodities by adopting fiscal measures andproviding funding to improve the living standards in rural areas, and by adoptinglegislation to encourage a more balanced use of land to meet both food and energydemands;16. Invites the participating States to seriously consider new challenges emanating fromtransnational threats, environmental degradation, food scarcity and other politicalproblems in adjacent areas which would require joint action;17. Urges the OSCE to undertake the necessary structural reform in order to help overcomestalemates on political issues as well as issues related to personnel and administration. Inthis respect:i. Repeats its call for strengthening and politicizing the role of the OSCE SecretaryGeneral in order to have a spokesperson who, in co-operation with the Chairman-in-Office, can make policy pronouncements and appropriate statements whenOSCE commitments are not observed which would at the same time increase theinfluence and the public profile of the Organization;ii. Reiterates its recommendation to modify the consensus rule for decision-making,at least for decisions related to personnel, budget and administration issues;iii. Underlines again the importance of having the budget adopted in a timely fashionevery year, and calls on the OSCE to develop a multi-year financial plan to pursuelonger term strategies;
iv. Encourages the Secretary General to employ independent professional outsideauditors and to make Audit Reports and recommendations available to the OSCEPA;v. Repeats its call for the OSCE to improve its staffing mechanisms by eliminatingfixed term limits on duration of service and reducing reliance on secondedpersonnel in the field operations;vi. Reiterates its call to reform the OSCE to ensure better transparency andaccountability by opening Permanent Council Meetings to the press and public,and by requiring that a country which blocks consensus do so openly and beprepared to defend their position;vii. Repeats its call for the OSCE Permanent Council to put OSCE PArecommendations – including those from the 2005 Colloquium Report - on itsagenda for debate in order to ensure better co-operation with the Assembly.
“Strengthening the OSCE’s Effectiveness and Efficiency –A New Start After the Astana Summit”[Set out text of Amendment here:]
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