OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2010-11 (1. samling)
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 30
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§J.]:CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI......., PARTENZA 12 Aprile 2011Prot: 2011/0010488/GEN/RIN
Dear Colleague,I am pleased to invite the Delegation of your Parliament to the OSCEParliamentary Assembly to attend the Seminar on "The Protection of NationalMinorities: the Bolzano Recommendations and the OSCE Policy", to be held inthBolzano on 20 May next.The protection of national minorities is one of the top ics included in the OSCEthird basket, which is related to the human dimension and is attached greatimportance by the Organisation within the framework of its global approach tosecurity and conflict prevention in Europe. Indeed, over the past few decades theprotection of national, ethnic, religious and cultural minorities has become anissue of crucial importance for peace, stability and security, but also for thesafeguard of human rights, democracy and pluralismoOn the basis of the experience of the OSCE High Commissioner on NationalMinorities and the principies of intemational law, in October 2008 the BolzanoRecommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations were launched,aimed at showing how states can protect the rights of minorities in order toprevent inter-ethnic tensions.Please find attached the Programme of the Seminar as well as the GeneraIinformation.I am convinced that the participation of the Delegation of your Parliament willmake a major contribution to the outcome of the debate on such an importanttopic.We would be grateful if the relevant Departments of your Parliament couldinform the Secretariat of the Italian Delegation about your participation.Sincerely Yo~~_
To the Heads of aliOSCEpA Delegations
Dear Colleague,I am pleased to invite the Delegation of your Parliament to the OSCEParliamentary Assembly to attend the Seminar on "The Protection of NationalMinorities: the Bolzano Recommendations and the OSCE Policy", to be held inBolzano on 20thMay next.The protection of national minorities is one of the topics included in the OSCEthird basket, which is related to the human dimension and is attached greatimportance by the Organisation within the framework of its global approach tosecurity and conflict preventionD]Europe. Indeed, over the past few decades theprotection of national, ethnic, religious and cultural rninorities has become a11issue of crucial importance for peace, stability and security, but also for thesafeguard of human rights, democracy and pluralismoOn the basis of the experience of the OSCE High Commissioner on NationalMliorities and the principles of intemational law, in October 2008 the BolzanoRecommendations on National Millorities li Inter-State Relations were launched,aimed at showillg how states can protect the rights of minorities in order toprevent liter-etlmic tensions.Please fmd attached the Programme of the Seminar as well as the GeneraIinfonnation.I am convinced that the participation of the Delegation of your Parliament willmake a major contribution to the outcome of the debate on such an importanttopic.We would be grateful if the relevant Departments of your Parliament couldinfoml the Secretariat of the Italian Delegation about your participation.Slicerely YoursRiccardo Migliori
To the Heads of a11aSCE PA Delegations