OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2010-11 (1. samling)
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 23
20th Annual Sessionof the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Belgrade, 6 – 10 July 20111
INFORMATION CONCERNING THE 20THANNUALSESSIONOF THEOSCE PARLIAMENTARYASSEMBLYVENUE OF THESESSIONCongress centre “Sava Centre”Milentija Popovida 911070 BelgradeSerbiaTel: +381 11 220 66 02Fax: +381 11 382 27 11All meetings will be held at the Congress centre “Sava Centre”. The National Assembly of the Republic ofSerbia will make the arrangements for the Annual Session. For information please contact the staff listedbelow:Parliament of SerbiaMr. Vladimir FilipovidDepartment of Foreign Affairs of the National AssemblyTrg Nikole Pašida 13 11000 Belgrade, SerbiaMobile: (+381) 64 8420 079Fax: (+381) 11 3227 899E‐mail:[email protected]OSCE PA International SecretariatMs. Odile Lelarge, Conference Co‐ordinatorTordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., DenmarkTel.: (+45) 33 37 80 34Fax: (+45) 33 37 80 30E‐mail:[email protected]
HOTELS ANDACCOMMODATIONHotels for the Annual Session are listed inAppendix A.All reservations should be made using the hotelreservation form (AppendixA – 2 pages), which should be filled in and sent by email or fax directlyto theProtocol Service of the National Assembly,att.: Ms. Maja Draškovid,[email protected]or fax +38111 3227 299Copies also need to be sent to Ms. Odile Lelarge at the OSCE PA International Secretariat.Delegation secretaries who wish to reserve rooms by making a block booking should fill out a form for eachindividual attending.Reservations should be made by 27 May 2011.It will not be possible to guaranteeroom availability beyond this date.As the number of rooms in the hotels selected for the Session is limited, the reservation requests will betreated on first‐come, first‐serve basis.Please note the cancellation policy applying to all hotels asmentioned on Appendix A.For further information on amenities in individual hotels including smokingpolicy, please consult the individual hotel websites.Hyatt Regency:Continental Hotel Belgrade:IN Hotel:Holiday inn Belgrade:Hotel Moskva:www.belgrade.regency.hyatt.comwww.continentalhotelbeograd.com/home.40.htmlwww.inhotel-belgrade.rswww.holidayinn.com/hotels/us/en/belgrade/begbg/hoteldetailwww.hotelmoskva.rs/en/
An information desk will be located in the lobby of each hotel throughout the session.
REGISTRATIONThe registration form(Appendix B)should be sent toMs. Odile Lelarge at the OSCE PA InternationalSecretariat(fax: + 45 33 37 80 30; email:[email protected])before 1st June 2011.Please send a copy toMr. Veljko Rackovic(tel.: +381 11 3026 364, fax: +381 11 3227 / email:[email protected]).The registration desk will be open in the lobby of the Sava Centre from 12:00 to 20:00 on Tuesday 5 July.For the remainder of the Annual Session, registration will be open every day from 08:00. Please register assoon as possible after your arrival in Belgrade. Participants and accompanying persons will be able tocollect their identity badges, conference bags, and further conference information upon registration at theSava Centre only.
TRAVEL TOBELGRADEParticipants are kindly requested to indicate their flight numbers, as well as dates of arrival to anddeparture from Belgrade on both the registration form and hotel reservation form in order to facilitatetheir welcome and appropriate transfer.Belgrade Airport Nikola Tesla (BEG)is the main airport and located app. 15 km from the city centre. Awelcome service will be located in the arrivals area to greet the participants and help with any matter thatmight occur. There will only be organized transport from and to this airport.Buses will be provided onTuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 July upon arrival to the hotels, and on Sunday 10 and Monday 11 July fordeparture from the hotels.Information on flight schedules is available at:www.beg.aero/welcome.54.htmlParticipants arriving on any other dates should use a taxi (20-25 minutes journey). The drive costsapproximately 1000-1500 RSD. Tipping the driver is not required.
SPECIALNEEDSThe Secretaries of Delegations should inform Ms. Jasminka Urosevid ([email protected]) ofguests with special needs in order to make the necessary transportation and other arrangements inadvance.
BORDERCONTROLAll passengers will have to clear passport control.
VISASCitizens of European Union countries, Schengen countries and countries with a visa exemption agreementwith Serbia do not need a visa. For the list of countries whose nationals need a visa to visit Serbia seeAppendix Cof this guide. It is strongly recommended that visa applications are presented to the correctdiplomatic mission well ahead of the Annual Session. Delegates from countries where Serbia does not haveembassies are required to approach the relevant Serbian Embassy in another country. Please consultAppendix Cfor more information.
CUSTOMSFor customs regulations on items imported into Serbia see the website of the Serbian Customs:http://www.customs.rs/en/Pages/default.aspx
TRANSPORTATION DURING THEANNUALSESSIONCoach transport will be provided between the selected hotels and the Sava Centre for each session as wellas for all social functions and for the accompanying persons’ programme. Transportation schedules will beavailable at the information desks at the hotels and at the Sava Centre. Please keep to the schedule ofdeparture. Please note that some of the hotels are within walking distance from the conference venue.
INFORMATION ANDHOSPITALITYDESKThe information desk will be open in the lobby of the Sava Centre throughout the Annual Session. Allinformation for accompanying persons will be provided at the nearby hospitality desk. There will also beinformation desks at the hotels.
SECURITYAll participants, including accompanying persons, observers, delegation staff and members of the press, willbe required to wearidentity badgesat all meetings and social functions, as well as for all transportorganized for the session. There will be access control measures at Sava Centre.There will be no admittance to any programme functions without the appropriate identity badge. In caseof loss of your personal badge, please report to the registration desk immediately.For security reasons, participants should also be in possession of some other means of identification and beprepared for identity checks.
INTERPRETATIONDuring the session, simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the six official OSCE languages (English,French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish).
INSURANCEPersonal and medical insurance is the responsibility of the individual participant. The National Assembly willnot be responsible for any loss of luggage, currency or personal effects, or any medical costs.
EMBASSIES ANDCONSULATESA list of foreign embassies and consulates in Oslo including contact information is available on theDiplomatic Missions page of the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, see:http://www.mfa.gov.rs/Worldframe.htmForeign embassies and consulates in Belgrade will be informed of the Session and the evening of Saturday 9July has been reserved for hospitality by the diplomatic missions.
ACCOMPANYINGPERSONSA programme for accompanying persons will be arranged while delegates are engaged in conferencesessions. Accompanying persons are also welcome to join the guided tour on Thursday afternoon 7 July aswell as evening functions/receptions. The accompanying persons programme will be available to orangebadge holders only. Accompanying persons are requested to sign up for the excursions they would like toparticipate at the information desk of the Sava Centre by 6 July at 16:00. They are asked to wear theirbadges during any part of the programme.
DRESSCODEBusiness attire (or an appropriate equivalent for ladies) is required for formal occasions. Casual wear (andcomfortable footwear) is suitable and recommended for the excursion on Thursday afternoon 7 July andthe accompanying persons programme.
MEDICALFACILITIESA first aid facility will be available for participants at the Sava Centre throughout the session. However,illness requiring medical treatment or hospitalization is the responsibility of the individual. Delegates takingmedicine should bring enough to cover their needs, take a copy of the prescriptions with them, and ensurethat they have adequate health insurance. Delegates should not forget to bring their health insurance cardor documents. Delegates can find more information regarding this issue on the following website:http://www.eng.rzzo.rs/index.php/medical-care-abroad-main
CATERINGThere is a restaurant and a few cafes in the Sava Centre. Also, several restaurants and cafes are in the closevicinity of the Sava Centre. Upon their arrival in Belgrade the participants will be provided with a list ofrestaurants and cafes. Tipping in Serbia is entirely optional. However, it is usual to leave a tip in arestaurants if you are happy with the service, e.g., by rounding up to the nearest 100 or 500 RSD. A 10% tipis considered generous.
CLIMATEThe temperature in Belgrade in July is between 16�C (low) and 27�C (high). Although mostly sunny orslightly cloudy, the weather can be unpredictable, and summer rainfall is not uncommon. In the conferenceperiod the sun rises at approximately 04:15 and sets at approximately 19:35.
TIMEBelgrade standard time zone is GMT + 1 hour.
CURRENCYSerbian currency is Serbian Dinar (RSD) which is the only currency acceptable for payment. All major creditcards are accepted in the hotels, restaurants, cafes, supermarkets and taxis. Cash can be obtained fromATMs or at the nearest bank (February 2011: 1€ ≈ 104 RSD – 1US$≈ 77 RSD).
BANKINGSERVICESWorking hours of banks in Belgrade in July are from 09.00 to 16.00 (in city centre to 20.00). Please notethat banks are closed on Sundays. Money can also be exchanged at the hotels and at the official exchangeoffices in the Sava Centre and city centre.
ELECTRICITYThe voltage in Serbia is 220V and European style two‐pin sockets are used.
TELECOMMUNICATIONSThe international code for Serbia is +381. There will be internet and fax available at the Sava Centre. Foravailability of internet and fax at the hotels, see information on hotels amenities on hotel websites.
SMOKINGSmoking is prohibited inside all public locations, restaurants, bars, on public transport etc. Some places,such as certain restaurants and bars, have designated smoking areas.
CITY ANDCONFERENCEINFORMATIONThe Parliament’s web sitehttp://parlament.rs/content/eng/index.aspwill be updated with conferencerelated information in English. The websitewww.tob.co.rscontains tourist and practical information aboutthe city including a list of restaurants.