OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2010-11 (1. samling)
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 16

The Secretary General

Heads of OSCE PA DelegationsMembers of the OSCE PA BureauSecretaries of OSCE PA DelegationsCopenhagen, 8 December 2010
Dear Standing Committee Member,In order to support the efforts of the Assembly in following-up on previous work, theInternational Secretariat is currently undertaking research on follow-up actions taken based on theOslo Declaration. This research is intended to support the work of the Vice-Chairs of the threeGeneral Committees in preparing their reports in accordance with Rule 37.4 of the Assembly’sRules of Procedure. Preliminary reports will be prepared for the Assembly’s 2011 Winter Meetingin February, before the Vice-Chairs present their final reports to the 2011 Belgrade Annual Sessionin July. As in previous years, I would like to kindly request the support of Delegations in order toachieve a comprehensive overview.Attached is a short questionnaire which addresses recommendations passed by the Assemblydirected towards participating States and member parliaments. It would be very helpful if you couldenquire from your government about the status of implementation of the relevant recommendations.In the interests of encouraging exchanges of best-practice, responses will be made publiclyavailable. I hope that you will carefully consider these questions and respond in due time in orderthat the Secretariat can include input from your country. I would appreciate if you could sendresponses to Presidential Advisor Andreas Baker ([email protected]) by 08 April 2011 inorder that we can process and compile the information in time for the Belgrade Annual Session inJuly 2011.It is hoped that this information can have a constructive impact on the Assembly’s work andencourage further dialogue on efforts being undertaken to deal with issues raised in AssemblyDeclarations. Building upon the basis of previous follow-up reports, and with your help, I expectthat our coming reports will expand in both scope and detail.I look forward to receiving your response.Yours sincerely
R. Spencer OliverSecretary General_________________Raadhusstraede 1, 1466 Copenhagen K., DenmarkPhone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - [email protected] - www.oscepa.org