OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2010-11 (1. samling)
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 16
Questionnaire to OSCE Parliaments on Follow-Up to OSCE PA RecommendationsThe following questionnaire is based on OSCE PA recommendations, particularly thosepassed during the Oslo Annual Session in 2010. We invite you to provide by 8 April 2011 anoutline of action taken by your parliament and government in the areas listed below. Answerswill be made available to all delegations in the interest of encouraging exchange of bestpractice, and will enable the International Secretariat to take account of developments acrossthe OSCE region when compiling information on follow-up to the Oslo Declaration. Areaswhich have been enacted in recent months are of particular interest, although existing effortsare also of relevance.In the field of combating transnational crime and corruption, please include information on:Steps to ratify and give full effect to obligations in relevant UN treaties and OSCEdocuments related to combating organized crime and corruptioniEfforts to tackle corruption in public administrations, including parliaments, to ensuretransparent lobbying rules, and to provide adequate financial and human resources tofight organized crimeiiSteps to improve international co-operation in fighting organized crimeiiiSteps taken to counter money laundering in relation to crime and terrorismivIn the field of political affairs and security, please include information on:Follow-up to OSCE PA recommendations by delegations at the national levelvWork on countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destructionviMeasures to complete delimitation and demarcation of borders, to ensure full respectfor territorial integrity, and to prevent illegal use of military forces abroadviiDevelopment and implementation of plans to promote gender mainstreaming in peaceand security operationsviiiIn the field of environmental and economic security, please include information on:Steps taken to improve the transparency and efficiency of the financial system atnational and international levelsixSteps taken to eliminate tax evasion and “safe havens” for illegally acquired fundsxEfforts to combat cyber-crime with full respect for freedom of expressionxiEfforts to support environmentally-sustainable practices, in particular concerning theArctic regionxiiEfforts contributing to attaining the Millennium Development GoalsxiiiIn the field of human rights and democracy, please include information on:Steps taken to ensure the protection of journalists and persons who expose abuses andviolationsxivEfforts to combat trafficking in human beings and forced labour and to ensureprotection of victimsxvWork aimed at managing migratory flows in the best interests of those involvedxviWork to combat discrimination and intolerance, as well as ensure an effectiveseparation between religious communities and the StatexviiEfforts to ensure full protection of human rights while carrying out the fight againstcrime and terrorismxviiiSteps to protect women’s sexual and reproductive rights and ensure appropriateattention to the position of women migrantsxix
Chapter I – Paragraphs 11, 12, Chapter II – Paragraph 31; Chapter III – Paragraphs 65, 69, 71Chapter I – Paragraphs 14, 18, Chapter II – Paragraphs 32, 33, 41; Chapter III – Paragraphs 67, 68, 70;Resolution on Nuclear Security – Paragraph 13iiiChapter I – Paragraphs 15, 17; Resolution on Fighting Terrorism, the Production and Trafficking of Narcoticsand Illegal Emigration in Afghanistan – Paragraphs 8, 9; Resolution on Combating Demand for HumanTrafficking and Electronic Forms of Exploitation – Paragraph 12ivChapter I – Paragraph 15vResolution on Future Priorities of the OSCE PA: The Next Decade – Paragraphs 16, 17; Resolution onStrengthening the Role, Efficiency and Impact of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly – Paragraph 9viResolution on Nuclear Security – Paragraphs 10, 11, 12viiResolution on Demarcation and Delimitation of State Borders of the Sovereign States in Eastern Europe –Paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 9; Resolution on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations – Paragraphs 6, 7, 8; Resolutionon the Inadmissibility of the Use of National Armed Forces on the Territory of Neighbouring and ContiguousStates – Paragraph 12, Resolution on The Arctic – Paragraph 15viiiResolution on UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security – Paragraphs 24, 25, 26, 27ixChapter II – Paragraphs 29, 30, 34, 36, 37xChapter II – Paragraph 35xiChapter III – Paragraph 72; Resolution on Cyber Crime – Paragraphs 11, 13, 14, 16,xiiResolution on The Arctic – Paragraphs 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23; Resolution on International NegotiationsRegarding Climate Change – Paragraph 12; Resolution on The Matching of Agricultural Production withProtection of Natural Ecosystems – Paragraphs 8, 9xiiiResolution on The Fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals – Paragraph 10; Resolution onWomen’s Rights and Reproductive Health – Paragraph 11,xivChapter II – Paragraph 32; Resolution on the Protection of Investigative Journalists – Paragraph 10; ChapterII – Paragraph 32xvChapter II – Paragraph 39; Chapter III – Paragraph 66; Resolution on Fighting Terrorism, the Production andTrafficking of Narcotics and Illegal Emigration in Afghanistan – Paragraph 9; Resolution on Migration as aContinuing Challenge for the OSCE – Paragraph 11; Resolution on Stepping Up the Struggle Against HumanTrafficking for Purposes of Sexual Exploitation in OSCE Countries – Paragraphs 6, 7; Resolution on CombatingDemand for Human Trafficking and Electronic Forms of Exploitation – Paragraphs 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21xviResolution on Partnership in Assisting Refugees – Paragraph 7xviiResolution on Migration as a Continuing Challenge for the OSCE – Paragraph 15; Resolution on TheProhibition of Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity – Paragraphs 6, 8, 9;Resolution on The OSCE’s Commitment in Favour of Religious Freedom and the Separation Between ReligiousCommunities and the State – Paragraphs 19, 20, 21, 22xviiiResolution on the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Armed Forces Personnel – Paragraphs 12,13; Chapter III – Paragraphs 73, 74xixResolution on Women’s Rights and Reproductive Health – Paragraphs 12, 13, 14, 15, 16; Resolution on UNSecurity Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security – Paragraph 28; Resolution on Migration as aContinuing Challenge for the OSCE – Paragraph 13ii