Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
MPU Alm.del Bilag 642
Copenhagen Sustainability Lecture – Professor Stephen Toope: “Viewing theWorld Through a Sustainability Lens"Sustainability Science Center is pleased to host the fourth Copenhagen Sustainability Lecture taking placeJune 27thfrom 3-4 pm.This timeProfessor Stephen J. Toope,who is president and professor of law at theUniversity of British Columbia, will share his insights on how to get on “Viewing the World Through aSustainability Lens”.Stephen Toope has been a driving force behind the ”Sustainability Academic Strategy” of the University ofBritish Columbia. The strategy specifies how sustainability is to be an integral part of teaching and learning,research and partnerships, and operations and administration of the University. As part of the strategy,University of British Columbia is experimenting with its campuses as living laboratories to explore, test anddemonstrate sustainable solutions for a wide range of problems. As a result, students, faculty and staffwork together to discover, learn and take action to guide the campuses toward sustainability. In his lecture,Professor Stephen Toope will share his experiences with the Sustainability Academic Strategy and campusas a living laboratory so that we, in a joined effort, can move a few steps towards a more sustainabledevelopment.Academically, Stephen Toope is interested in human rights, public international law, and internationalrelations. Professor Toope is active in many associations and, among other things, he represented WesternEurope and North America on the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances from2002-2007.The lecture takes place at the Faculty of Law, and we are very much looking forward to learn from theexperiences of the University of British Columbia and Professor Stephen Toope. See you there.
Copenhagen Sustainability Lectures 2011is a lecture series aiming to create attention and visibility“of the challenges of global sustainability. Danish and foreign speakers will visit University ofCopenhagen to focus on a broad array of topics concerned with sustainability, pass on theirexperiences, and give their opinions on how to approach the challenges we are facing now and inthe future.
DetailsDate: June 27th2011, from 3-4 pmPlace: Anneks B, Studiegården, Studiestræde 6, 1455 København KIntroduction: Rector Ralf Hemmingsen, University of Copenhagen.
Moderator: Vice-Dean Jørn Vestergaard, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.Host: Sustainability Science Centre, University of Copenhagen.The lecture will be in English.Participation is free of charge. Sign up before the 26thof June 2011 at 15 pm at
Further informationDorthe Hedensted Lund, phone: +45 35331697