Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
MPU Alm.del Bilag 605
AnnouncementCopenhagen Sustainability Lecture – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai:“The Environment, Democracy & Peace: A critical link”Sustainability Science Center is proud to present Professor Wangari Maathai for the fifth CopenhagenSustainability Lecture of the year taking placeJuly 6thfrom 3 to 4 pmwhere she will give the lecture: “TheEnvironment, Democracy & Peace: A critical link”. The lecture will be followed by a panel debate.Wangari Maathai is internationally recognized for her persistent struggle for democracy, human rights andenvironmental conservation. She was the first East-African woman to obtain a doctorate degree. In the1970s, Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement, an environmental non-governmentalorganization focused on the planting of trees, environmental conservation, and women's rights. Throughthe Green Belt Movement she has assisted women in planting more than 20 million trees on their farmsand on schools and church compounds. In 2004, she became the first African woman to receive the NobelPeace Prize for “her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace.”In December 2002, Professor Maathai was elected to parliament and was subsequently appointed asAssistant Minister for Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife; a position she held between January2003 and November 2005.Wangari Maathai serves on the boards of several organizations including the Prince Albert of MonacoFoundation, the Chirac Foundation, Discovery Channel’s Planet Green, the Oslo Award, the Congo BasinForest Fund, the Crop Diversity Trust, World Learning International, Green Cross International and NationalCouncil of Women of Kenya.Professor Maathai’s lecture will be followed by a panel debate with the following panelists:Mike Speirs, Senior Advisor, Technical Advisory Services, Ministry of Foreign AffairsJens Emborg, Assoc. professor, Forest & Landscape, University of Copenhagen.Vibeke Vindeløv, Professor, Department of Law, University of Copenhagen.Tony Simons, Director General of World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), Kenya.
Each panelist will have five minutes for an intervention after which the wider audience will have theopportunity to take part in the debate. University of Copenhagen will host a reception for ProfessorWangari Maathai after the debate.We look forward to the event, and hope to see you there.Copenhagen Sustainability Lectures 2011is a lecture series aiming to create attention and visibilityof the challenges of global sustainability. Danish and foreign speakers will visit University ofCopenhagen to focus on a broad array of topics concerned with sustainability, pass on theirexperiences, and give their opinions on how to approach the challenges we are facing now and inthe future.
DetailsDate: July 6th2011, from 3 to 4 pmPlace: Auditorium 1.01, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg CIntroduction: Dean Per Holten-Andersen, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of CopenhagenHost: Sustainability Science Centre, University of Copenhagen.The lecture and debate will be in English.Participation is free of charge. Sign up before the 5thof July 2011 at 15 pm at
Further informationDorthe Hedensted Lund, phone: +45 35331697