Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
MPU Alm.del Bilag 544


Gordon Edwards [mailto:[email protected]]


27. april 2011 16:14


Klaus Andersen


Transport of 16 Radioactive Steam Generators from Canada
To All Members of theEnvironment and regional planning committeeChristiansborgDK-1240 København KDenmarkDear Klaus Andersen and Committee Members:Bruce Power, a private company, wants to ship 16 radioactivelycontaminated steam generators from Georgian Bay (Ontario) toStudsvik (Sweden) in order to reduce the volume of the radioactivewaste material that the company is obligated store on site.This volume reduction (by about 90 percent) will entail the dispersalof man-made radioactive waste materials, created inside Canadiannuclear power reactors, into otherwise uncontaminated recycled scrapmetal intended for unrestricted use in the manufacture of anundetermined number of metallic objects of commerce.This plan has been met with an unprecedented degree of oppositionfrom organizations in the Great Lakes area and along the Saint LawrenceRiver as well as overseas (see resolution and list of endorsers attached).The opposition is based on a number of concerns:(1) This shipment will establish a dangerous precedent for the routineshipping of radioactive waste materials through our precious waterways,which many organizations feel should not be countenanced;(2) This shipment exceeds international IAEA standards for the total amountof radioactivity allowed on a single vessel -- by a factor of at least 6 in thecase of ocean-going transport, and by a factor of at least 60 in the case ofinland waterways;(3) This shipment has a radioactive inventory that consists of over 90 percentplutonium (by mass) along with other transuranic isotopes that are extraordinarilyradiotoxic and long-lived;(4) This shipment is entirely unjustified on any grounds other than saving thecompany a small amount of money -- and according to the company's testimony,the financial benefit is small;(5) This shipment is entirely unnecessary as plans already exist for the permanentstorage of these steam generators -- which have been classified as "radioactive waste" --at a permanent facility for the storage of low-level and intermediate-level wasteslocated very close to the reactors themselves;(6) This shipment goes against undertakings made by Bruce Power and endorsed
by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission during an Environmental AssessmentProcess in 2006 not to transport these steam generators over public roads nor toattempt to recycle any materials which cannot be proven to be non-radioactive.If I can be of assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.Gordon Edwards, Ph.D., President,Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR)(514) 489 5118 [office](514) 839 7214 [cell]P.S. Please make the following documents available to committee members toassist them in their deliberations on this matter:(1) Resolution against the transport of the steam generators: