Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
MPU Alm.del Bilag 465
International Committee on issues of GlobalChanges of the Geological EnvironmentEuropean office:EIC, 19 Kathleen Road, London, SW112JR, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, GNFE EU, IC GCGEGEOCHANGE e_mail:[email protected][email protected]Secretariat:Fetih Mahallesi, Tarhali Caddesi, Tarhali Sokak, Tarhali sitesi No.7, Kavakyeli Plaza, B Blok, Daire 1, Atasehir, Istanbul.;Phone: + 90 536 431 07 56; Fax: + 90 216 386 05 33;Coordinator:Dr.Sevinj Yatman;e_mail: [email protected]Chairman:e_mail: [email protected]
To the Right Honorable Thor PedersenSpeaker of the Danish ParliamentYour Excellency,I am addressing you on behalf of more than 300 well-known scientists from 86 countries of the world.During the last few years, alarming changes have been occurring in the environment; these changes areof global significance for the entire planet. Global changes can now be observed throughout all of theEarth, including its core, mantle, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere.The International Committee on issues of Global Changes of the Geological Environment“GEOCHANGE” has prepared a special report on this problem. Based on data analysis for earthquakes,volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and other geological and geophysical processes, it demonstrates that theEarth’s geodynamical activity has been continuously increasing over the last 100 years; the tendencyhas even significantly intensified during the recent decades. A similar situation can be observed in theatmospheric processes.Such a development of events poses a serious threat to the stable progress ofcivilization and may cause a huge death toll and economic damage all over the world in the nextfew years.It has to be acknowledged that humankind is not prepared to enter the era of global natural cataclysms,either technologically, economically, legally, or psychologically.Therefore, over 300 scientists from 86countries have signed the GEOCHANGE Communiqué to be presented to the UN and heads of state,which we enclose herewith.We regret to inform you that, according to the International Committee GEOCHANGE, an extremelyhigh level of seismic and volcanic activity and an increase in the number of tsunamis, hurricanes, floodsand other natural disasters has been predicted planet-wide for between 2011 and 2015, which may leadto huge numbers of victims. We are already witnessing the beginning of this process in the form ofvarious natural cataclysms in many regions of the world.All countries must join their efforts to counter the global intensification of natural disasters and mitigateits negative effect on humanity. Improving the international and national laws on emergencymanagement, rescue operations, coordination of international humanitarian aid, social security fornatural disaster victims and their recovery ought to play a key role in this process.
All the mentioned problems will be on the agenda of the World Forum – International Congress“Natural cataclysms and global problems of the modern civilization – GEOCATACLYSM 2011” to beheld 19-21 September 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey.The International Congress will bring together representatives of all interested countries andorganizations to convene a global emergency forum and collectively discuss the most topical problemswith the purpose to reduce casualties and damage caused by natural disasters. The Congress’resolution and adopted documents (international programs, drafts of international laws etc) will bepresented to the UN Secretary-General, to the governing bodies of the European Union and otherinfluential international organizations, to heads of state and legislatures of various countries forconsideration and appropriate action.We plan to have representatives of parliaments and legislatures of many countries participate in theCongress. Your delegates to the Congress can submit drafts of international laws for consideration andapproval as well as their suggestions and recommendations for creation and improvement ofinternational laws and their effective interaction with national laws. All proposals by the participantswill be considered by the Congress and may be included in the list of documents to be presented to theUN.The Congress’ main sections:1. Earth Sciences; 2. Economy and finances; 3. Transport; 4. Health care; 5. Emergency management;6. Construction; 7. Ecology and Environment; 8. Communication systems and informationtechnologies; 9. International and national law.The Congress is planned to be attended by more than 1,000 scientists, experts, politicians and publicfigures, members of governments, parliaments and other legislatures, representatives of bigcompanies and financial institutions from over 100 countries.On behalf of the Congress Board, I am pleased to invite representatives of the Danish Parliament toattend our Congress.Annexes:1. GEOCHANGE Communiqué and the first report by the Chairman of the InternationalCommittee on issues of Global Changes of the Geological Environment “GEOCHANGE”, June 2010(Int. Mag. GEOCHANGE: Problems of Global Changes of the Geological Environment, Vol.1, London,June 2010, ISSN-2218-5798); 2. Congress’ Call for Papers.
Respectfully Yours,Congress Board ChairmanCongress Board Co-Chairman
Prof. Dr. Elchin KhalilovChairman of the International Committee on issuesof Global Changes of the Geological EnvironmentGEOCHANGE
Prof. Dr. Franz HalbergHonorary Director ofChronobiological Center(Minneapolis, US)