Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
MPU Alm.del Bilag 182
MARPOLSaturday, 27 November 201010:07 PM
Beluga Fascination flagged Antigua and Barbuda (signatory to MARPOL).BF has commited numerous breaches of MARPOL.Has also had instances of Voyage Data RecorderMarpol 73/78is theInternational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 asmodified by the Protocol of 1978.("Marpol" is short for marine pollution and 73/78 short for theyears 1973 and 1978.)Marpol 73/78 is one of the most important international marineenvironmental conventions.It wasdesigned to minimize pollution of theseas,includingdumping,oil and exhaust pollution. Its statedobject is: to preserve the marine environment through the complete elimination of pollution by oiland other harmful substances and the minimization of accidental discharge of such substances.Marpol contains 6 annexes, concerned with preventing different forms of marine pollution fromships:Annex I - OilAnnex II - Noxious Liquid Substances carried in BulkAnnex III - Harmful Substances carried in Packaged FormAnnex IV - SewageAnnex V - GarbageAnnex VI - Air PollutionPasted from <>
INSPECTIONS AND FAILURESDate16 Aug 201027 Oct 2009LocationChina GuangzhouItaly Vibo ValentiaBreachUNDEFINED DEFICIENCY
Fire safety measures - Fire detection:Not as requiredSafety of navigation - Voyage datarecorder (VDR): InoperativeAlarm signals - Machinery controlsalarm: MalfunctioningMARPOL - ANNEX IRADIOCOMMUNICATIONSSAFETY OF NAVIGATIONMARPOL - ANNEX VMARPOL - ANNEX IIISAFETY OF NAVIGATIONSTABILITY, STRUCTURE AND RELATEDEQUIPMENT
15 Oct 2008
Philippines Cebu
FIRE SAFETY MEASURESLIFESAVING APPLIANCESSystem: Fire Fighting, Sub System: FireHoses, Deficiency: The housings for the firehoses on the main deck were tied shut due tothe doors not being in serviceable condition.This does not allow for ready availability ofthe fire hoses. 50a, Resolved: true, ResolvedDate: 14-sep-2008, Resolved Descr: Inspectedthe fire hose housing and conducted a firedrill to the satisfaction of the marineinspector.System: Personnel, Sub System:Training, Deficiency: There are clear groundsfor believing the crew cannot safelyextinguish a fire. During the two fire drillswitnessed, the vessel fire teams were unableto properly don their SCBAs. The fire teamsexha, Resolved: true, Resolved Date: 27-feb-2008, Resolved Descr: Corrected to thesatisfaction of the coast guard. Crew didtraining while the inspectors were on boardand were able to properly demonstratedonning of SCBA. Due to the severity andnature of the def.System: Personnel, Sub System:Training, Deficiency: Initial fire drill wasunsatisfactory, and needed to be done again.10c, Resolved: true, Resolved Date: 27-feb-2008, Resolved Descr: Training wasconducted and drill was run again to thesatisfaction of the coast guard.
27 Feb 2008
U.S.A. Seattle
23 Mar 2007
U.S.A. Houston


United States Coastguard
System: Lifesaving, Sub System: Lifeboat,Deficiency: 23MAR2007:LIFEBOATTRANSMISSION IS UNABLE TO BE CONTROLLEDFROM THE HELMSMAN POSITION. VESSEL ISREQUIRED TO SUBMIT A CLASS REPORTATTESTING TO THE REPAIR AND PROPEROPERATION OF THE LIFEBOAT CONTROL,Resolved: true, Resolved Date: 25-mar-2007,Resolved Descr: 25MAR2007: Received classreport attesting to the proper repair andoperation of the ahead/astern control lever.Vessel is cleared to depart the Port
Screen clipping taken: 27/11/2010, 9:54 PM