Kommunaludvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
KOU Alm.del Bilag 9
YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN POLITICSRegional Seminar for the 12+ Group
The Attlee Suite, Portcullis HousePalace of Westminster,London, United Kingdom8 and 9 December 2010
WEDNESDAY 8 DECEMBER 20100830 - 0900Registration of participants
OPENING SESSION – SETTING THE SCENE0930– 1000Guest Speaker – To be confirmedGuest Speaker – To be confirmedGuest Speaker – To be confirmed
Do young people participate enough? Is there a general downward trend of youthinterest in politics? Are there too many competing interests for their attention?Are there trends or regional differences around Europe or other factors such aspoverty or ethnic background?
SESSION I – WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO RECOGNISE YOUNG PEOPLE1000 - 1215CHAIR: TBCGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmedTHE DISCUSSION
Today’s youth is tomorrow’s government.
If young people reject politics, what is the alternative? Violence?
Outline the positive effects of greater youth participation in politics/society:On a global scale: the UN World Programme for Youth and achievement of theMillennium Development Goals and The Climate Revolution.At a local level: Eradication of crime and anti social behavior, Promote interculturaldialogue and thereby decrease discrimination, promote better communication andnegotiation skills in young people which leads to the ability to resolve conflictthrough peaceful dialogue
LUNCH1230-1400Informal Buffet lunch in the IPU and Jubilee RoomsHost: TBC
SESSION II –YOUTH PARTICIPATION AROUND EUROPE1430-1700CHAIR: TBCGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmedTHE DISCUSSIONConsider region by region (north, south, east, west) and include the EuropeanCommission and the Council of Europe.
RECEPTION1830-2000Delegates are invited to attend a reception at Lancaster HouseHost: TBC
THURSDAY 9 DECEMBER 2010SESSION III – THE ISSUES THAT AFFECT YOUNG PEOPLE – BY YOUNGPEOPLE!0930 - 1100CHAIR: TBCGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmed
THE DISCUSSIONInvite members of the Youth Parliament/Youth Council and other Youthwe could put together some sort of debate scenario...organisations to come in and either discuss the issues that affect them – or else
SESSION IV – HOW TO GIVE YOUNG PEOPLE A VOICE1130 - 1230CHAIR: TBCGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmedTHE DISCUSSIONThe need for younger, more modern, more accessible parliaments. Change thein the national curriculum. Discuss the importance of ICT (Facebook, Twitteretc....). Develop youth information strategies and web-based information fortraditional ways?young people. Why are young people unwilling or unable to participate usingvoting age to 16? Focus on education and include politics, democracy and civics
LUNCH1230 - 1430Delegates are at leisure
SESSION IVcontinued– HOW TO GIVE YOUNG PEOPLE A VOICE1430 - 1600CHAIR: TBCGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmedGuest Speaker - To be confirmedTHE DISCUSSION
The need for younger, more modern and more accessible parliaments. Change thevoting age to 16? Focus on education and include politics, democracy and civicsin the national curriculum. Discuss the importance of ICT (Facebook, Twitteretc....). Develop youth information strategies and web-based information for
young people. Why are young people unwilling or unable to participate usingtraditional ways?
1600-1730CHAIR: TBC
Guest Speaker – To be confirmedGuest Speaker – To be confirmedFinal conclusions by the Chair
Refreshments offered