Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2010-11 (1. samling)
IPU Alm.del Bilag 6
United Nations
A/65/L.11Distr.: Limited5 November 2010Original: English
General Assembly
Sixty-fifth sessionAgenda item 122 (m)Cooperation between the United Nations and regional andother organizations: cooperation between the United Nations,national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary UnionArgentina, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Canada, Chile, Egypt, Italy, Namibia,Romania, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand and Uruguay: draft resolution
Cooperation between the United Nations, national parliaments andthe Inter-Parliamentary UnionThe General Assembly,Having consideredthe report of the Secretary-General of 20 September 2010,1which attests to the broad and substantive cooperation between the United Nationsand the Inter-Parliamentary Union over the past two years,Taking noteof the resolutions adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union andcirculated in the General Assembly and the many activities undertaken by theorganization in support of the United Nations,Taking note alsoof the outcome of the third World Conference of Speakers ofParliament, including its declaration on securing global democratic accountabilityfor the common good,2which reaffirms the commitment of national parliaments andthe Inter-Parliamentary Union to support the work of the United Nations andcontinue efforts to bridge the democracy gap in international relations,Taking note furtherof the findings and recommendations of the report of theInter-Parliamentary Union on how parliaments organize their work with the UnitedNations,3Welcomingthe annual parliamentary hearings at the United Nations as jointUnited Nations-Inter-Parliamentary Union events during the sessions of the GeneralAssembly, as well as other specialized parliamentary meetings organized by theInter-Parliamentary Union in cooperation with the United Nations in the context ofmajor United Nations conferences and events,__________________123
A/65/382-S/2010/490.A/65/289, annex I.Ibid., annex II.
10-62260 (E) 081110
Taking into considerationthe Cooperation Agreement between the UnitedNations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union of 1996,4which laid the foundation forcooperation between the two organizations,Recallingthe United Nations Millennium Declaration,5as well as the 2005World Summit Outcome,6in which Heads of State and Government resolved tostrengthen further cooperation between the United Nations and national parliamentsthrough their world organization, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, in all fields of thework of the United Nations, including the effective implementation of UnitedNations reform,Recalling alsoits resolution 57/32 of 19 November 2002, in which theInter-Parliamentary Union was invited to participate in the work of the GeneralAssembly in the capacity of observer, as well as resolutions 57/47 of 21 November2002, 59/19 of 8 November 2004, 61/6 of 20 October 2006 and 63/24 of18 November 2008,Welcomingthe close cooperation between the Inter-Parliamentary Union andthe Peacebuilding Commission in fostering political dialogue and building nationalcapacities for good governance,Welcoming alsothe contribution of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in shapingthe agenda and work of the new Development Cooperation Forum held by theEconomic and Social Council,Recognizingthe importance of the continued provision of parliamentarysupport to the work of the Human Rights Council,Recognizing alsothe work of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in the areas ofgender equality, empowerment of women and combating violence against women,and the close and systematic cooperation between the Inter-Parliamentary Union andthe relevant United Nations bodies, including the Commission on the Status ofWomen and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,Acknowledgingthe role and responsibility of national parliaments in regard tonational plans and strategies, as well as in ensuring greater transparency andaccountability,Welcomesthe efforts made by the Inter-Parliamentary Union to provide1.for a greater parliamentary contribution and enhanced support to the UnitedNations;Encouragesthe United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union to2.continue to cooperate closely in various fields, in particular peace and security,economic and social development, international law, human rights and democracyand gender issues, bearing in mind the significant benefits of cooperation betweenthe two organizations, to which the report of the Secretary-General attests;13.Encouragesthe Inter-Parliamentary Union to strengthen further itscontribution to the work of the General Assembly, including its revitalization, and inrelation to the process of United Nations reform and system-wide coherence;__________________456
A/51/402, annex.See resolution 55/2.See resolution 60/1.
4.Invitesthe Peacebuilding Commission to continue to work closely withthe Inter-Parliamentary Union in engaging national parliaments in the countriesunder consideration by the Commission in efforts to promote democraticgovernance, national dialogue and reconciliation;Encouragesthe Inter-Parliamentary Union to continue to work closely5.with the Development Cooperation Forum and bring a robust parliamentarycontribution to the Forum process and the broader development cooperation agenda,including in the context of the current Economic and Social Council reform process;Also encouragesthe Inter-Parliamentary Union to continue its efforts in6.mobilizing parliamentary support and action towards the achievement of theMillennium Development Goals by the target date of 2015;Further encouragesthe Inter-Parliamentary Union to strengthen its7.contribution to the United Nations human rights treaty bodies, including the HumanRights Council, particularly as it relates to the universal periodic review of thefulfilment of human rights obligations and commitments by Member States;Invitesthe new United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the8.Empowerment of Women to work closely with the Inter-Parliamentary Union insuch areas as the empowerment of women, institutional gender mainstreaming,support to parliaments in promoting gender-sensitive legislation, combating violenceagainst women and the implementation of relevant United Nations resolutions;Encouragesthe Inter-Parliamentary Union to further assist in developing9.closer cooperation between the United Nations and parliaments at the national level,including in terms of strengthening parliamentary capacities, reinforcing the rule oflaw and helping to align national legislation with international commitments;10.Welcomesthe growing practice of including legislators as members ofnational delegations to major United Nations meetings and events, as appropriate,and invites Member States to continue this practice in a more regular and systematicmanner;11.Callsfor the further development of the annual parliamentary hearings atthe United Nations as a joint United Nations-Inter-Parliamentary Union event andfor the circulation of the hearings summary report as a document of the GeneralAssembly;12.Decidesto more systematically engage with the Inter-Parliamentary Unionin organizing and integrating a parliamentary component of and contribution to majorUnited Nations deliberative processes and the review of international commitments;13.Welcomesthe proposal for a regular annual exchange between the UnitedNations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination and the senior leadershipof the Inter-Parliamentary Union, with a view to building greater coherence in thework of the two organizations, maximizing parliamentary support for the UnitedNations and helping to forge a strategic partnership between the two organizations;14.Decides,in recognition of the unique role of national parliaments insupport of the work of the United Nations, to include in the provisional agenda of itssixty-sixth session an item entitled “Interaction between the United Nations,national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union”.