Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2010-11 (1. samling)
IPU Alm.del Bilag 6
UNION INTERPARLEMENTAIREPrésidentChemin du Pommier 5Case postale 3301218 Le Grand-Saconnex / GenèveSuisseTél : (41 22) 919 41 50Fax : (41 22) 919 41 60E-mail: [email protected]
INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNIONPresidentNational Assembly of Namibia14c Love Street, Parliament BuildingPrivate Bag 13323, WindhoekTel: 264-61-288 2504/6Fax 264-61-231 626E-mail: [email protected]
14 December 2010
Dear Madam President,Dear Mr. President,Yesterday the United Nations General Assembly adopted a landmark consensus Resolution onCooperation between the United Nations, national parliaments and the IPU.I attach the text ascirculated by the United Nations. The final version in the six official UN languages will be posted onthe IPU website in the coming days.Ninety member States (list attached) formally co-sponsored the Resolution. This would not have beenpossible without the very active and positive engagement by so many of the IPU Member Parliaments,and for this we would like to express our deep appreciation.Together, and in just a little over ten years, we have been able to take the relationship between theUnited Nations system, parliaments and the IPU to an unprecedented level. The Resolution adoptedyesterday recognizes this progress and acknowledges the crucial role and responsibility of nationalparliaments in regard to national plans and strategies, as well as in ensuring greater transparency andaccountability at all levels. The IPU is encouraged to help develop closer cooperation between theUnited Nations and parliaments at the national level, including in terms of strengtheningparliamentary capacities, reinforcing the rule of law and helping to align national legislation withinternational commitments.The UN General Assembly once again welcomes the growing practice of including legislators asmembers of national delegations to major UN meetings and events, and invites member States tocontinue this practice in a more regular and systematic manner. The General Assembly also decides tomore systematically engage with the IPU in organizing and integrating a parliamentary component ofand contribution to major UN deliberative processes and the review of international commitments.We have much work ahead in following up on the General Assembly’s decisions andrecommendations. In the course of next year alone, we will be working closely with the UnitedNations on a whole range of matters, including those relating to the promotion of peace andinternational security, the achievement of the MDGs, the elaboration of a new Programme of Actionfor the LDCs, the fight against HIV/AIDS, gender mainstreaming and the empowerment of women, theachievement of an international agreement on climate change and the shaping of a new vision forsustainable development as part of the review of the Rio+20 process../.
To this end, we will need to pull together in reforming our own organization, the Inter-ParliamentaryUnion, better equipping it for the tasks ahead. The 124thIPU Assembly in Panama will provide us withan important opportunity to formulate a Strategic Plan for the IPU in the years to come. We trust thatwe will be able to count on your support and contribution throughout this exciting journey.Until then, I send you my very best wishes for a happy holiday season and a good and prosperous NewYear!
Yours truly,
Theo-Ben GurirabPresident of theInter-Parliamentary Union