Forsvarsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2010-11 (1. samling), NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2010-11 (1. samling)
FOU Alm.del Bilag 28, UPN Alm.del Bilag 22, NPA Alm.del Bilag 3
“Strategic ConceptFor the Defence and Security of The Members of the North Atlantic TreatyOrganisation”Adopted by Heads of State and Government in Lisbon
Active Engagement, Modern DefencePrefaceWe, the Heads of State and Government of the NATO nations, aredetermined that NATO will continue to play its unique and essential role inensuring our common defence and security. This Strategic Concept will guidethe next phase in NATO’s evolution, so that it continues to be effective in achanging world, against new threats, with new capabilities and new partners:••It reconfirms the bond between our nations to defend one another againstattack, including against new threats to the safety of our citizens.It commits the Alliance to prevent crises, manage conflicts and stabilizepost-conflict situations, including by working more closely with ourinternational partners, most importantly the United Nations and theEuropean Union.It offers our partners around the globe more political engagement with theAlliance, and a substantial role in shaping the NATO-led operations towhich they contribute.It commits NATO to the goal of creating the conditions for a world withoutnuclear weapons – but reconfirms that, as long as there are nuclearweapons in the world, NATO will remain a nuclear Alliance.It restates our firm commitment to keep the door to NATO open to allEuropean democracies that meet the standards of membership, becauseenlargement contributes to our goal of a Europe whole, free and at peace.It commits NATO to continuous reform towards a more effective, efficientand flexible Alliance, so that our taxpayers get the most security for themoney they invest in defence.
The citizens of our countries rely on NATO to defend Allied nations, to deployrobust military forces where and when required for our security, and to helppromote common security with our partners around the globe. While theworld is changing, NATO’s essential mission will remain the same: to ensurethat the Alliance remains an unparalleled community of freedom, peace,security and shared values.***
Core Tasks and Principles1. NATO’s fundamental and enduring purpose is to safeguard the freedom andsecurity of all its members by political and military means. Today, theAlliance remains an essential source of stability in an unpredictable world.2. NATO member states form a unique community of values, committed to theprinciples of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.The Alliance is firmly committed to the purposes and principles of the Charterof the United Nations, and to the Washington Treaty, which affirms theprimary responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance ofinternational peace and security.3. The political and military bonds between Europe and North America havebeen forged in NATO since the Alliance was founded in 1949; thetransatlantic link remains as strong, and as important to the preservation ofEuro-Atlantic peace and security, as ever. The security of NATO memberson both sides of the Atlantic is indivisible. We will continue to defend ittogether, on the basis of solidarity, shared purpose and fair burden-sharing.4. The modern security environment contains a broad and evolving set ofchallenges to the security of NATO’s territory and populations. In order toassure their security, the Alliance must and will continue fulfilling effectivelythree essential core tasks, all of which contribute to safeguarding Alliancemembers, and always in accordance with international law:a.Collective defence.NATO members will always assist each otheragainst attack, in accordance with Article 5 of the WashingtonTreaty. That commitment remains firm and binding. NATO willdeter and defend against any threat of aggression, and againstemerging security challenges where they threaten the fundamentalsecurity of individual Allies or the Alliance as a whole.b.Crisis management.NATO has a unique and robust set ofpolitical and military capabilities to address the full spectrum ofcrises – before, during and after conflicts. NATO will activelyemploy an appropriate mix of those political and military tools tohelp manage developing crises that have the potential to affectAlliance security, before they escalate into conflicts; to stop ongoingconflicts where they affect Alliance security; and to help consolidatestability in post-conflict situations where that contributes to Euro-Atlantic security.c.Cooperative security.The Alliance is affected by, and can affect,political and security developments beyond its borders. TheAlliance will engage actively to enhance international security,through partnership with relevant countries and other internationalorganisations; by contributing actively to arms control, non-
proliferation and disarmament; and by keeping the door tomembership in the Alliance open to all European democracies thatmeet NATO’s standards.5. NATO remains the unique and essential transatlantic forum for consultationson all matters that affect the territorial integrity, political independence andsecurity of its members, as set out in Article 4 of the Washington Treaty. Anysecurity issue of interest to any Ally can be brought to the NATO table, toshare information, exchange views and, where appropriate, forge commonapproaches.6. In order to carry out the full range of NATO missions as effectively andefficiently as possible, Allies will engage in a continuous process of reform,modernisation and transformation.The Security Environment7. Today, the Euro-Atlantic area is at peace and the threat of a conventionalattack against NATO territory is low. That is an historic success for thepolicies of robust defence, Euro-Atlantic integration and active partnershipthat have guided NATO for more than half a century.8. However, the conventional threat cannot be ignored. Many regions andcountries around the world are witnessing the acquisition of substantial,modern military capabilities with consequences for international stability andEuro-Atlantic security that are difficult to predict.This includes theproliferation of ballistic missiles, which poses a real and growing threat to theEuro-Atlantic area.9. The proliferation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction,and their means of delivery, threatens incalculable consequences for globalstability and prosperity. During the next decade, proliferation will be mostacute in some of the world’s most volatile regions.10. Terrorism poses a direct threat to the security of the citizens of NATOcountries, and to international stability and prosperity more broadly. Extremistgroups continue to spread to, and in, areas of strategic importance to theAlliance, and modern technology increases the threat and potential impact ofterrorist attacks, in particular if terrorists were to acquire nuclear, chemical,biological or radiological capabilities.11. Instability or conflict beyond NATO borders can directly threaten Alliancesecurity, including by fostering extremism, terrorism, and trans-national illegalactivities such as trafficking in arms, narcotics and people.
12. Cyber attacks are becoming more frequent, more organised and more costlyin the damage that they inflict on government administrations, businesses,economies and potentially also transportation and supply networks and othercritical infrastructure; they can reach a threshold that threatens national andEuro-Atlantic prosperity, security and stability.Foreign militaries andintelligence services, organised criminals, terrorist and/or extremist groupscan each be the source of such attacks.13. All countries are increasingly reliant on the vital communication, transport andtransit routes on which international trade, energy security and prosperitydepend. They require greater international efforts to ensure their resilienceagainst attack or disruption. Some NATO countries will become moredependent on foreign energy suppliers and in some cases, on foreign energysupply and distribution networks for their energy needs. As a larger share ofworld consumption is transported across the globe, energy supplies areincreasingly exposed to disruption.14. A number of significant technology-related trends – including the developmentof laser weapons, electronic warfare and technologies that impede access tospace – appear poised to have major global effects that will impact on NATOmilitary planning and operations.15. Key environmental and resource constraints, including health risks, climatechange, water scarcity and increasing energy needs will further shape thefuture security environment in areas of concern to NATO and have thepotential to significantly affect NATO planning and operations.Defence and Deterrence16. The greatest responsibility of the Alliance is to protect and defend our territoryand our populations against attack, as set out in Article 5 of the WashingtonTreaty. The Alliance does not consider any country to be its adversary.However, no one should doubt NATO’s resolve if the security of any of itsmembers were to be threatened.17. Deterrence, based on an appropriate mix of nuclear and conventionalcapabilities, remains a core element of our overall strategy. Thecircumstances in which any use of nuclear weapons might have to becontemplated are extremely remote. As long as nuclear weapons exist,NATO will remain a nuclear alliance.18. The supreme guarantee of the security of the Allies is provided by thestrategic nuclear forces of the Alliance, particularly those of the United States;the independent strategic nuclear forces of the United Kingdom and France,which have a deterrent role of their own, contribute to the overall deterrenceand security of the Allies.
19. We will ensure that NATO has the full range of capabilities necessary to deterand defend against any threat to the safety and security of our populations.Therefore, we will:•••maintain an appropriate mix of nuclear and conventional forces;maintain the ability to sustain concurrent major joint operations andseveral smaller operations for collective defence and crisisresponse, including at strategic distance;develop and maintain robust, mobile and deployable conventionalforces to carry out both our Article 5 responsibilities and theAlliance’s expeditionary operations, including with the NATOResponse Force;carry out the necessary training, exercises, contingency planningand information exchange for assuring our defence against the fullrange of conventional and emerging security challenges, andprovide appropriate visible assurance and reinforcement for allAllies;ensure the broadest possible participation of Allies in collectivedefence planning on nuclear roles, in peacetime basing of nuclearforces, and in command, control and consultation arrangements;develop the capability to defend our populations and territoriesagainst ballistic missile attack as a core element of our collectivedefence, which contributes to the indivisible security of the Alliance.We will actively seek cooperation on missile defence with Russiaand other Euro-Atlantic partners;further develop NATO’s capacity to defend against the threat ofchemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons of massdestruction;develop further our ability to prevent, detect, defend against andrecover from cyber-attacks, including by using the NATO planningprocess to enhance and coordinate national cyber-defencecapabilities, bringing all NATO bodies under centralized cyberprotection, and better integrating NATO cyber awareness, warningand response with member nations;enhance the capacity to detect and defend against internationalterrorism, including through enhanced analysis of the threat, moreconsultations with our partners, and the development of appropriatemilitary capabilities, including to help train local forces to fightterrorism themselves;develop the capacity to contribute to energy security, includingprotection of critical energy infrastructure and transit areas andlines, cooperation with partners, and consultations among Allies onthe basis of strategic assessments and contingency planning;ensure that the Alliance is at the front edge in assessing thesecurity impact of emerging technologies, and that military planningtakes the potential threats into account;
sustain the necessary levels of defence spending, so that ourarmed forces are sufficiently resourced;continue to review NATO’s overall posture in deterring anddefending against the full range of threats to the Alliance, takinginto account changes to the evolving international securityenvironment.
Security through Crisis Management20. Crises and conflicts beyond NATO’s borders can pose a direct threat to thesecurity of Alliance territory and populations. NATO will therefore engage,where possible and when necessary, to prevent crises, manage crises,stabilize post-conflict situations and support reconstruction.21. The lessons learned from NATO operations, in particular in Afghanistan andthe Western Balkans, make it clear that a comprehensive political, civilian andmilitary approach is necessary for effective crisis management. The Alliancewill engage actively with other international actors before, during and aftercrises to encourage collaborative analysis, planning and conduct of activitieson the ground, in order to maximise coherence and effectiveness of theoverall international effort.22. The best way to manage conflicts is to prevent them from happening. NATOwill continually monitor and analyse the international environment toanticipate crises and, where appropriate, take active steps to prevent themfrom becoming larger conflicts.23. Where conflict prevention proves unsuccessful, NATO will be prepared andcapable to manage ongoing hostilities.NATO has unique conflictmanagement capacities, including the unparalleled capability to deploy andsustain robust military forces in the field.NATO-led operations havedemonstrated the indispensable contribution the Alliance can make tointernational conflict management efforts.24. Even when conflict comes to an end, the international community must oftenprovide continued support, to create the conditions for lasting stability. NATOwill be prepared and capable to contribute to stabilisation and reconstruction,in close cooperation and consultation wherever possible with other relevantinternational actors.25. To be effective across the crisis management spectrum, we will:•enhance intelligence sharing within NATO, to better predict whencrises might occur, and how they can best be prevented;
further develop doctrine and military capabilities for expeditionaryoperations, including counterinsurgency, stabilization andreconstruction operations;form an appropriate but modest civilian crisis managementcapability to interface more effectively with civilian partners, buildingon the lessons learned from NATO-led operations. This capabilitymay also be used to plan, employ and coordinate civilian activitiesuntil conditions allow for the transfer of those responsibilities andtasks to other actors;enhance integrated civilian-military planning throughout the crisisspectrum,develop the capability to train and develop local forces in crisiszones, so that local authorities are able, as quickly as possible, tomaintain security without international assistance;identify and train civilian specialists from member states, madeavailable for rapid deployment by Allies for selected missions, ableto work alongside our military personnel and civilian specialistsfrom partner countries and institutions;broaden and intensify the political consultations among Allies, andwith partners, both on a regular basis and in dealing with all stagesof a crisis – before, during and after.
Promoting International Security through CooperationArms Control, Disarmament, and Non-Proliferation26. NATO seeks its security at the lowest possible level of forces. Arms control,disarmament and non-proliferation contribute to peace, security and stability,and should ensure undiminished security for all Alliance members. We willcontinue to play our part in reinforcing arms control and in promotingdisarmament of both conventional weapons and weapons of massdestruction, as well as non-proliferation efforts:•We are resolved to seek a safer world for all and to create theconditions for a world without nuclear weapons in accordance withthe goals of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, in a way thatpromotes international stability, and is based on the principle ofundiminished security for all.With the changes in the security environment since the end of theCold War, we have dramatically reduced the number of nuclearweapons stationed in Europe and our reliance on nuclear weaponsin NATO strategy. We will seek to create the conditions for furtherreductions in the future.In any future reductions, our aim should be to seek Russianagreement to increase transparency on its nuclear weapons inEurope and relocate these weapons away from the territory of
NATO members. Any further steps must take into account thedisparity with the greater Russian stockpiles of short-range nuclearweapons.We are committed to conventional arms control, which providespredictability, transparency and a means to keep armaments at thelowest possible level for stability. We will work to strengthen theconventional arms control regime in Europe on the basis ofreciprocity, transparency and host-nation consent.We will explore ways for our political means and military capabilitiesto contribute to international efforts to fight proliferation.National decisions regarding arms control and disarmament mayhave an impact on the security of all Alliance members. We arecommitted to maintain, and develop as necessary, appropriateconsultations among Allies on these issues.
Open Door27. NATO’s enlargement has contributed substantially to the security of Allies; theprospect of further enlargement and the spirit of cooperative security haveadvanced stability in Europe more broadly. Our goal of a Europe whole andfree, and sharing common values, would be best served by the eventualintegration of all European countries that so desire into Euro-Atlanticstructures.•The door to NATO membership remains fully open to all Europeandemocracies which share the values of our Alliance, which are willing andable to assume the responsibilities and obligations of membership, andwhose inclusion can contribute to common security and stability.
Partnerships28. The promotion of Euro-Atlantic security is best assured through a widenetwork of partner relationships with countries and organisations around theglobe. These partnerships make a concrete and valued contribution to thesuccess of NATO’s fundamental tasks.29. Dialogue and cooperation with partners can make a concrete contribution toenhancing international security, to defending the values on which ourAlliance is based, to NATO’s operations, and to preparing interested nationsfor membership of NATO. These relationships will be based on reciprocity,mutual benefit and mutual respect.
30. We will enhance our partnerships through flexible formats that bring NATOand partners together – across and beyond existing frameworks:••••We are prepared to develop political dialogue and practicalcooperation with any nations and relevant organisations across theglobe that share our interest in peaceful international relations.We will be open to consultation with any partner country on securityissues of common concern.We will give our operational partners a structural role in shapingstrategy and decisions on NATO-led missions to which theycontribute.We will further develop our existing partnerships while preservingtheir specificity.
31. Cooperation between NATO and the United Nations continues to make asubstantial contribution to security in operations around the world. TheAlliance aims to deepen political dialogue and practical cooperation with theUN, as set out in the UN-NATO Declaration signed in 2008, including through:•enhanced liaison between the two Headquarters;•more regular political consultation; and•enhanced practical cooperation in managing crises where bothorganisations are engaged.32. An active and effective European Union contributes to the overall security ofthe Euro-Atlantic area. Therefore the EU is a unique and essential partner forNATO. The two organisations share a majority of members, and all membersof both organisations share common values. NATO recognizes theimportance of a stronger and more capable European defence. We welcomethe entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, which provides a framework forstrengthening the EU’s capacities to address common security challenges.Non-EU Allies make a significant contribution to these efforts. For thestrategic partnership between NATO and the EU, their fullest involvement inthese efforts is essential. NATO and the EU can and should playcomplementary and mutually reinforcing roles in supporting internationalpeace and security. We are determined to make our contribution to createmore favourable circumstances through which we will:••••fully strengthen the strategic partnership with the EU, in the spirit offull mutual openness, transparency, complementarity and respectfor the autonomy and institutional integrity of both organisations;enhance our practical cooperation in operations throughout thecrisis spectrum, from coordinated planning to mutual support in thefield;broaden our political consultations to include all issues of commonconcern, in order to share assessments and perspectives;cooperate more fully in capability development, to minimiseduplication and maximise cost-effectiveness.
33. NATO-Russia cooperation is of strategic importance as it contributes tocreating a common space of peace, stability and security. NATO poses nothreat to Russia. On the contrary: we want to see a true strategic partnershipbetween NATO and Russia, and we will act accordingly, with the expectationof reciprocity from Russia.34. The NATO-Russia relationship is based upon the goals, principles andcommitments of the NATO-Russia Founding Act and the Rome Declaration,especially regarding the respect of democratic principles and the sovereignty,independence and territorial integrity of all states in the Euro-Atlantic area.Notwithstanding differences on particular issues, we remain convinced thatthe security of NATO and Russia is intertwined and that a strong andconstructive partnership based on mutual confidence, transparency andpredictability can best serve our security. We are determined to:•enhance the political consultations and practical cooperation withRussia in areas of shared interests, including missile defence,counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, counter-piracy and thepromotion of wider international security;use the full potential of the NATO-Russia Council for dialogue andjoint action with Russia.
35. The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and Partnership for Peace are centralto our vision of Europe whole, free and in peace. We are firmly committed tothe development of friendly and cooperative relations with all countries of theMediterranean, and we intend to further develop the Mediterranean Dialoguein the coming years. We attach great importance to peace and stability in theGulf region, and we intend to strengthen our cooperation in the IstanbulCooperation Initiative. We will aim to:••enhance consultations and practical military cooperation with ourpartners in the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council;continue and develop the partnerships with Ukraine and Georgiawithin the NATO-Ukraine and NATO-Georgia Commissions, basedon the NATO decision at the Bucharest summit 2008, and takinginto account the Euro-Atlantic orientation or aspiration of each ofthe countries;facilitate the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans, withthe aim to ensure lasting peace and stability based on democraticvalues, regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations;deepen the cooperation with current members of the MediterraneanDialogue and be open to the inclusion in the MediterraneanDialogue of other countries of the region;develop a deeper security partnership with our Gulf partners andremain ready to welcome new partners in the Istanbul CooperationInitiative.
Reform and Transformation36. Unique in history, NATO is a security Alliance that fields military forces able tooperate together in any environment; that can control operations anywherethrough its integrated military command structure; and that has at its disposalcore capabilities that few Allies could afford individually.37. NATO must have sufficient resources – financial, military and human – tocarry out its missions, which are essential to the security of Alliancepopulations and territory. Those resources must, however, be used in themost efficient and effective way possible. We will:•maximise the deployability of our forces, and their capacity tosustain operations in the field, including by undertaking focusedefforts to meet NATO’s usability targets;•ensure the maximum coherence in defence planning, to reduceunnecessary duplication, and to focus our capability developmenton modern requirements;•develop and operate capabilities jointly, for reasons of cost-effectiveness and as a manifestation of solidarity;•preserve and strengthen the common capabilities, standards,structures and funding that bind us together;•engage in a process of continual reform, to streamline structures,improve working methods and maximise efficiency.An Alliance for the 21stCentury38. We, the political leaders of NATO, are determined to continue renewal of ourAlliance so that it is fit for purpose in addressing the 21stCentury securitychallenges. We are firmly committed to preserve its effectiveness as theglobe’s most successful political-military Alliance. Our Alliance thrives as asource of hope because it is based on common values of individual liberty,democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and because our commonessential and enduring purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of itsmembers. These values and objectives are universal and perpetual, and weare determined to defend them through unity, solidarity, strength and resolve.