Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2010-11 (1. samling)
FLF Alm.del Bilag 34
Other GMHT Maize,Soya, Beet, OSR….
Assess consequences when these are grown inrotationeg: problems of controlling RR maize/rapeseedvolunteers in other RR crops …..
Future: different HT systems in same cropand stacked HT (GM and non-GM) genes
GM HT Oilseed rape: Glyphosate, Glufosinate andImidazolinone2
ERA Guidance ProposalsInteractions with other GMHT crops incl.adventitious Gene StackingThe applicant should consider the consequencesof gene stacking and adventitious gene transferto or from other GM crops on the management ofthese crops. If gene stacking will result in furtherchanges to management practices ( eg volunteercontrol) then the environmental impacts of suchchanges should be evaluated.
HT Stacks (GM and non-GM)•These will allow novel combinations of (BroadSpectrum) herbicides•Applicants should consider the range of herbicides andmanagement systems that could be used.•Evaluate probability of Env harm cf conventionalsystems•Propose management that limits Env harm to currentlevels.
ERA Guidance ProposalsWeed Resistance• The likelihood of resistance development in weedsexposed to the changed herbicide managementshould be assessed (considering also other GMHTcrops in rotations with the new GMHT crop) .• Applicants should develop weed resistancemanagement programmes as part of theirstewardship of the Herbicide and GMHT crop• Weed resistance should bemonitored
in line withrequirements under EU Pesticide Legislation(EC91/220 and EC1107/2009)
Thank you