Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2010-11 (1. samling)
FLF Alm.del Bilag 133
The risk evaluation of GMOsa debate between EFSA and independent scientists

Seminar organised by

MEPs Corinne Lepage and George Lyon (ALDE)

Wednesday, 12 January 2011, 14:30 - 18:00

European Parliament, Room PHS 7C50

rue Wiertz, Brussels


14.30Introduction by MEPs

Corinne Lepage


George Lyon

on the legal frameworkfor GMOs and the new EFSA guidelines on the evaluation of health andenvironmental risks of GMOs

How are GMOs assessed and approved in the USA - a comparative



Martina Newell-McGloughlin,

University of California, Davis15.00

Panel I - The evaluation of risks of GMOs for the environment

Karine Lheureux,

Senior Scientific Officer,EFSA GMO Unit

Angelika Hilbeck,

Senior Researcher, SwissFederal Institute of Technology,President of the European Network of Scientists for Social and EnvironmentalResponsibility (ENSSER)Panel debate and questions from MEPs and the audience16.00

Panel II - The evaluation of risks of GMOs for food and feed


Gilles-Eric Séralini,

University of Caen, President of the scientificcouncil of the Committee of Independent Research and Information on GeneticEngineering (CRIIGEN)

Claudia Paoletti,

Senior Scientific Officer,EFSA GMO UnitPanel debate and questions from MEPs and the audience17:0017.3017.4518.00General debateSpeech by

John Dalli,

EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer PolicyConcluding words by MEPs

Corinne Lepage


George Lyon

Cocktail reception