Finansudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
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Vedrørende OECD High-level Parliamentary SeminarUdvalget modtaget en invitation til et møde i OECD om”The OECD at 50: better Policies for Better Lives”som finder sted i Paristorsdag den 24. februar 2011.Vedlagt findes en kort beskrivelse af mødet. For yderligere oplysninger henvisesødet vil blive beskrevet på denne website i den nærmeste fremtid.Medlemmer, der ønsker at deltage bedes meddele dette til Sekretariatet senestonsdag den 19. januar 2011.
Med venlig hilsen
Peter Bohlbro
Message from: Willemien Bax, Head of Public Affairs, OECDPour la traduction en fran§ais, voir en bas de la page
Dear Madam, Sir,The OECD would like to alert you to the upcoming one-dayOECD High-level ParliamentarySeminaron the topic“The OECD at 50: better Polices for Better Lives”,which will take place atthe OECDConference Centrein Paris on Thursday, 24 February 2011.This seminar is open to representatives from the parliamentary/legislative branch of government. Itoffers an exceptional opportunity for parliamentarians and legislators to exchange views with theircolleagues and OECD experts on a range of key issues. The seminar will likely focus on the followingtopics:Measuring progress and well-beingGreen GrowthAnti-corruptionDevelopment
We are also considering a dinner the evening of 23 February, if there is strong interest fromparliamentarians.A draft programme will be(
I would be very grateful if you could inform Jennifer Bisping, Senior Public Affairs Manager[[email protected]; Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 24 93 26] and Silvia Terrón [[email protected]; Tel:+33 (0) 1 45 24 95 72] if you can accept this invitation. Please also indicate if you’d be joining thedinner the evening of 23 February.I look forward very much to welcoming you to Paris for this important event.Yours sincerely,Willemien BaxHead of Public Affairs DivisionPublic Affairs and Communications DirectorateOECDTel: +33 1 45 24 83 33[email protected]
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OECD High-level ParliamentarySeminar - "The OECD at 50: BetterPolicies for Better Lives"SendPrint
Thursday 24 February 2011OECD Conference Centre, ParisThe OECD at 20: Better Policies for BetterLivesProgrammeForum websiteSession videosPhotos
This seminar is open to representatives from theparliamentary/legislative branch of government. Itoffers an exceptional opportunity for parliamentariansand legislators to exchange views with their colleaguesand OECD experts on a range of key issues. Theseminar will focus on the following topics:Keynote speechAngel Gurría,Secretary-General, OECD“How’s Life?”—Measuring progress and well-beingAnthony Gooch,Director, Public Affairs andCommunication Directorate, OECDRaul Suarez,Senior Adviser, OECD project onMeasuring Well-Being and Fostering the Progress ofSocieties, Statistics Directorate, OECDAn Update on Green GrowthSimon Upton,Director, Environment Directorate,OECDFighting CorruptionRichard Boucher,Deputy Secretary-General, OECD(TBC)The Seoul Development Consensus and theOECDStephen Groff,Deputy Director, Development Co-
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An easy-to-readseries to helpunderstand theeconomic and socialissues high oneveryone's agenda,from economicgrowth to health,pensions, trade and
operation Directorate, OECD
A more detailed draft programme will be posted on thispage in the near future. For further details or toregister for this seminar, please contact JenniferBisping, Senior Public Affairs Manager[[email protected]; Tel: +33 (0)1 45 24 9326] or Silvia Terrón [[email protected]; Tel: +33(0)1 45 24 95 72] .There will be simultaneous interpretation in English,and French.
For practical information about the Conference available:Séminaire parlementaire de haut niveau - « L'OCDE à 50 ans :des politiques meilleures pour une vie meilleure »(French)
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Finansudvalgets Sekretariat
Undertegnede ønsker at deltage i OECD-mødet i Paris den 24. februar 2011.
NavnAfleveres senest onsdag den 19. januar 2011