Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 444
CONCLUSIONS OF THE XLV COSACBudapest, 29-31 May 2011_________________________________________________
1. COSAC welcomes the adoption of its amended Rules of Procedure, with thechanges bringing the Rules of Procedure in line with the Treaty of Lisbon. COSACappreciates the constructive efforts made by all delegations to reach thisimportant agreement. The amendment to the Rules of Procedure of COSAC, as itwas agreed during the XLV COSAC in Budapest, is attached to these Conclusions.The COSAC Secretariat is asked to prepare its publication in the Official Journal ofthe European Union.2. COSAC takes note on the report on the last Conference of Speakers of the EUParliaments held on 4-5 April 2011 in Brussels and expresses its support for thework done in the framework of the Conference of Speakers seeking a consensualsolution to the establishment of the mechanism for parliamentary scrutiny ofcommon foreign and security policy, including common security and defencepolicy.3. COSAC agrees to hold, at the Presidency's discretion, an annual general policydebate during its ordinary meeting in the first semester of the year, thus allowingthe Contribution of COSAC to be presented in time to feed into the preparationsfor the State of the Union speech and the Commission Work Programme for thefollowing year. The President or a Vice-President of the Commission should beinvited to take part in the debate.4. COSAC also agrees that the presentation of the Commission’s Work Programmefor the following year by the President or a Vice-President of the Commissionshould take place, at the Presidency's discretion, during the ordinary meeting ofCOSAC in the second semester of the year, after the publication of theProgramme. Therefore, when fixing the date of the meeting, COSAC Presidenciesare invited to take into account the time of the publication of the Commission'sWork Programme. The agenda of the ordinary meeting of COSAC in the secondsemester of the year may also include an assessment of the Commission’sactivities in the course of the year.
5. Following the discussion on the Commission’s Work Programme, Parliamentswould have the opportunity to inform each other about their intention toscrutinize EU draft legislative acts, in particular those which may raisesubsidiarity concerns.6. COSAC recalls that the term in office of the current Permanent Member of theCOSAC Secretariat expires on 31 December 2011. COSAC underlines that theappointment of the new Permanent Member should take place during the XLVICOSAC, therefore, the financial framework for the following two years, i.e. 2012-2013 should be agreed among the participating Parliaments as soon as possible.7. COSAC also recalls that the present co-financing of the Permanent Member of theCOSAC Secretariat and the costs of running the office and website of COSAC willend on 31 December 2011. COSAC welcomes the 35 letters of intent of nationalParliaments and parliamentary Chambers expressing their commitment for theco-financing for the following two years, i.e. 2012-2013. Furthermore, COSACwelcomes the fact that the threshold of a minimum of the national Parliaments of14 Member States has been reached. COSAC calls upon the remaining Parliamentsand parliamentary Chambers to renew their commitment for the co-financing.8. COSAC welcomes the 15thBi-annual Report prepared by the COSAC Secretariatand warmly thanks the Secretariat for its excellent work. The Report providescomprehensive information on the parliamentary developments with regard tothe Europe 2020 Strategy, economic governance, the European Semester and theCommission Work Programme 2012.