Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2010-11 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 291, URU Alm.del Bilag 115, UPN Alm.del Bilag 100
MASHRAQ/MAGHREBDATE: 07/02/2011MEET. DOC. N� 14/11Origin: Commission
COUNTRYFICHE: TUNISIAThe past:Multiannual programming 2007-2010 (NIP I)NIP/RIP I 2007-2010Focal sector n�1: Economicgovernance, competitiveness andconvergence with the EUFocal sector n�2: Improvegraduate employabilityFocal sector n�3: SustainabledevelopementTotal€ Mil€123 Mil41% NIP€65 Mil21.7% NIP€112 Mil37.3% NIP€ 300 MilCommitted or foreseen in 20102007200820092010€30 Mil€73 Mil€20 Mil10% NIP24.3% NIP6.7% NIP€65 Mil21.7% NIP€12 Mil4% NIP77€ Mil
€43 Mil14.3% NIP73€ Mil
73€ Mil
€57 Mil19% NIP77€ Mil
The future:Multiannual programming 2011-2013 (NIP II) and projects to be committed (NB:amounts are indicative)NIP/RIP II 2011-2013Focal sector n�1: Social€ MilAAP 2011€55 Mil22.9% NIPForecastAAP 2012€55 Mil22.9% NIP€55 MilAAP 2013
Support the employment systemFocal sector n�2: Economic (governance– competitiveness)€170 Mil70.8% NIP€80 Mil33.3% NIP€60 Mil€20 Mil
Programme in support of integrationSupport to enterprises in themodernization and liberalizationprocessFocal sector n�3: Governance in theJustice Sector€15 Mil6.3% NIP
€90 Mil37.5%NIP€30 Mil€60 Mil
Support to the ongoing reform in thejustice sectorTotal€240 Mil€80 Mil€55 Mil
€15 Mil6.3% NIP€15 Mil€105 Mil
Background informationOverview of open portfolio (NIP/RIP 2007-2010)€ Mil30€ M
2007 Programme d'Appui à l'Accord d'Association et au Plan d'Action(P3A2)Support to Tunisian administration through twinnings for theimplementation of the Association Agreement and the Action Plan.2007 Programme Environnement et Energie (PEE)Programme in supportof consolidating a sustainable strategy in the fields of environment andenergy management.2007 Bonification d’intérêt BEI : Mise à niveau environnementale duGroupe Chimique TunisienInterest rate subsidy to an EIB loan meant toreduce polluting effects of the production of the Tunisian Chemical Group2007 (Special Measure not included in the NIP) Programme d’Appui à laGestion Budgétaire par ObjectifsReform in public finance managementin order to introduce budget management by programmes.2008 Programme d'appui à la compétitivité des entreprises et à lafacilitation de l'accès au marchéSupport to Tunisian enterprises in orderto step up quality and competitiveness and create better access to theEuropean market2008 Programme d'Appui à l'intégrationProgramme in support ofintegration into the world economy and reinforcement of thecompetitiveness of Tunisian enterprises.2009 Programme d'appui à l'adéquation Education-EmploiSupport tocreatingbetter links between employment and education and assure betterquality of education and partnership2009 Recherche et InnovationCreate stronger links between research,innovation and enterprises in order to boost growth and employment2010 Programme d'appui aux politiques publiques de gestion desressources en eau pour le développement rural et agricoleSupportprogramme to the investment and development plans of the Water andAgriculture Ministry2010 Programme d'appui à l'intégration (PAI bis) - complément de réponseà la crise20 million euros supplement to the 2008 Programme in support ofintegration in order to respond to the financial and economic crisis
33€ M
10€ M
30€ M
23€ M
50€ M
65€ M
12€ M57€ M
20€ M
As far as cooperation with Civil Society is concerned, there are currently a number of programmesgoing on, financed under the NSA – LA and EIDHR thematic budget lines for a total of around twomillion euros. Four of them concern actions carried out by Tunisian local organizations located inrural areas and two of them concern actions carried out by European NGOs in partnership withTunisian organizations.