Erhvervsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
ERU Alm.del Bilag 311
GLOBAL ECONOMIC LEADERS SUMMIT 2011 (GELS)Registration FormFull name -as written in thepassportCompany / Organization:Position& DepartmentPassport No.CitizenshipGenderTelephoneMobileEmailWebsitePick-up/See-OffCooperate area:( ) Arranged by the organizing CommitteeAdd.( ) Self-arrangementcountry codearea codenumberFirstMiddleLast
Category of your Organization( ) Fortune 500( ) Forbes 2000( ) Listed (quoted/public) companies exceptfor the above two( ) Government or Parliament( ) AcademiaOthers:
country code area code
** Free participation, 5-star accommodation, meals, pick-up/see-off and organized business visit & sightseeing
will be provided for the VIPs by the Chinese government after Organizing Committee’s confirmation.
Please fax or email the completed registration form to the following address. A letter of confirmation will be sent to yousoon after our confirmation.Contact:Fiona QiOrganizing CommitteeTel: +86 10 64987220 Fax: +86-10-64963611 Mobile: +86 13522643608E-mail: [email protected] Website: D1-18 Floor, Sunshine Plaza, No.68, Anli Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China