Erhvervsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
ERU Alm.del Bilag 122
Svar fra Kommissionens formand José Manuel Barroso på spørgsmål fraFolketingets Europaudvalgs formand Anne-Marie Meldgaard.(Uddrag fra brevaf 10. januar 2011 som opfølgning på XLIV. COSAC-møde den 26. oktober 2010).The Danish mortgage system has proved very stable during the financial crisis.While some bond markets closed around the world, the sale of Danish mortgagebonds continued without problems, even when the crisis was at its highest inautumn 2008. The crisis provided a strong test that showed that Danishmortgage bonds are just as liquid as government bonds - and that appliesregardless of the bonds' maturity.Can you confirm that the Commission will, in the revision of the CapitalRequirements Directive and in the implementation of the Basel Committee'sproposals, pay the necessary attention in order to ensure the preservation of thefunctioning of the Danish mortgage system?(Question by Ms Meldgaard, Chairman of the Danish European Affairs
The services of the Commission currently working on strengthened bankingprudential legislation are aware of the particularities of the Danish Krone capitalmarket and the Danish mortgage system. The Commission will give dueconsideration to the concerns raised by Danish stakeholders in the context of thefuture liquidity standards.In improving financial regulation and reducing the risk of financial crisis, weneed to fill gaps and address weaknesses in a forward-looking manner, tacklingboth the weaknesses that have been demonstrated in the crisis and those thatcould materialise in the future. Covered bonds and most parts of Europeanmortgage financing have indeed proved resilient in the crisis. We should clearlydraw lessons from this positive experience and preserve the strengths of thesemarkets. That said we must keep in mind that in financial markets, stability cannever be taken for granted, even after long periods of resilience.What would you think of taking another step towards improved cooperationbetween the Commission and the national parliaments? Such an initiative couldinclude:- Greater cooperation on the Commission's annual legislative program -including consultation prior to submission of the program.- Ad hoc joint meetings on major legislative initiatives or proposals whichcause problems in a number of national parliaments?- Better ongoing information on the submission, processing andimplementation of EU legislation.(Question by Ms Meldgaard, Chairman of the Danish European Affairs
I have always promoted the strengthening of the political relationship betweenthe Commission and national Parliaments and will continue to encourage anintensification of our exchanges and contacts. This includes of course possible