Det Energipolitiske Udvalg 2010-11 (1. samling)
EPU Alm.del Bilag 34
FolketingetEnergipolitisk udvalgAtt. Nadia Steensen
26. oktober 1603/1108-0025Ref. ASO
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Med henvisning til oversendelsen fra Klima- og energiministeriet 26. oktober 2010 vedrøren-de The Danish JI/CDMpro gramme - seven years experience with international climate pro-jects sendes 40 eksemplarer af publikationen til EPU
Olesen'rogramkoordinatorKlima og energiøkonomiDirekte tlf.: 3392 7834E-post: [email protected]
EnergistyrelsenAmaliegade 441256 København K
Tlf33 92 67 00Fax33 11 47 43E-mail; [email protected]www,
Ekspeditionstid:Mandag-torsdag 8.30-16Fredag 8,30-15.30CVR-nr. 59 77 87 14EAN-nr. 5798000020009
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BackgroundDescription of the JI/CDM programmeProject Overview47
The Danish Energy Agency44 AmaliegadeDK-1256 Copenhagen KTelephone:+45 33 92 67 00Fax:+45 33 1147 43Website:www.ens.dkPublished:Number printed:September 2010400 copies
J! ProjectsRomaniaPolandBulgariaRussiaCzech RepublicUkraineNew Zealand72829296106108110
Photos:Front and back page: Collage of project photos.Top right front and back photos from Vestas.Project photos by the DEA team, LPCs andproject hosts.Editor: Asger Olesen, the DEAGraphics: Elisabeth Rasmusen andAndreas W. Karlsen, the DEAPrint: Cool GrayPrinted on: Cover: 400g; content: 130gLayout: Antistandard and the DEAISBN: 978-87-7844-869-9This report went to press August 2010.The report, including figuresand tables, is aiso available at theDEA's website, www: 978-87-7844-871-2
Local Project CoordinatorsMap of project locations
The project briefs describe the positive climate impact of the JI/CDM projects in the Danish Energy Agency's (DEA) portfolio, theirenvironmental side benefits and sustainability credentials, and the partners associated with the projects. Our idea is to present the readerwith the impact of the projects on everyday lives, rather than the technical side of the projects. For further information and details pleasesee the individuai Project Design Document (PDD) for each project, which can be downloaded from the DEA homepage,or contact the desk officers. The publication does not include projects developed indirectly via investments in funds.The project briefs follow a template so that the same issues are covered for all projects, including an lntroduction, a short description ofthe technical perspectives, the everyday benefits for the community, and future perspectives for the project. This is to make the descriptionconsistent and easy to overview. However, individuai project conditions mean that every story is unique and may divert from the template.Each project brief contains a map, showing the location of the project, as well as pictures taken by the DEA during site visits or by theproject proponent or local project consultants.The In brief box inserted in every project brief provides an overview of the project, including the total emission reductions for the project'sfirst Kyoto registration, estimated as of September 2010. This does not necessarily equal the credit amount contracted by Denmark,but is the best estimate of the total greenhouse gas emission reduction of the individuai project. In The index the total expected emissionreduction amount is listed alongside the amount contracted by the DEA.Please also note that the full name of the project, as it is described in its PDD may not correspond to the title of the project briefs.For the complete name see the index.
I Danish Energy Agency, Amaliegade 44, DK 1256 Copenhagen K, Tel: +45 33 92 67 00, Fax; 33 11 47 43
This book presents the results of seven years of development of international climate projects withinthe flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol of the Danish state's JI/CDM programme. The bookcontains individuai stories of Denmarks climate engagement, covering 22 Jl-projects in EasternEurope and 53 CDM projects in developing countries.The stories focus on positive climate impact, sustainability and the people behind and around theprojects. Our idea is to present the reader with the projects' impact on everyday lives, rather than onthe technical and complex side of the projects, whether it being the improved heat supply for villagersin rural Romania or overcoming of investment barriers for small enterprises for green technology insouth East Asia. For more technical descriptions please do not hesitate to contact the Danish EnergyAgency.The emission reductions developed from the projects help Denmark fulfill a 21 per cent GHG reductionbefore 2012. The portfolio also provides compensation for emissions from flight travels for the Danishgovernmental system, while the Bangladesh! Brick-kiln project offsets most COP15 emissions. In total18,5 million tonnes of C02e is needed by Denmark for compliance during the first commitment periodof the Kyoto Protocol 2008-12. Lately we have started a domestic Jl initiative, to make use of theclimate project experiences in Denmark also.
The project briefs included herein are intended to give a general summary of the projects,and do not necessarily reflect the view of all project parties, including but not limited toprojects partners, consultants and host countries. Any volumes or other quantificationsare estimates at the time of publication, and may change as a result of actual projectperformance or for any other reason. No part of this document may be reproduced ortransmitted without the prior written consent of the Danish Energy Agency.
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