Arbejdsmarkedsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
AMU Alm.del Spørgsmål 209
Fruitpickers for seasonal work in DenmarkWorkindenmark South(Arbejdspladsen ligger i Odense kommune)Denmark needs seasonal workers for the harvesting of Strawberries, peas, raspberries, onions, pumpkins and otherfruits and vegetables. We are also looking for a few bus- lorry- and tractor drivers for the summer season of 2011.We have about 200 jobs.Working periods:Strawberries: from late May/mid. June to late July/mid. August 5-10 weeksPeas: from Late May to late August – 8-14 weeksOnions/pumpkins - from late May to late October (2 weeks break in August)Raspberries/Strawberries in tunnels: from April to November, different periodsAccommodation:Strawberries and peas picking from May to August – in most cases applicants have to bring a tent, cooking utensilsand warm clothes. A camp site with cooking, bathing and toilet facilities is available on the farm. The rental fee for theoutdoor accommodation is between 2 and 10 EURO/day. Sometimes the employer can offer indoor accommodation(payment). Before May and after August – the employer will always offer indoor accommodation or help the applicantto find accommodation.Travel:Applicants plan and pay for the travel to and from Denmark themselves, travel costs can be deducted in the taxpayment.Payment:The picking of strawberries and peas is always piecework – average 0.8-0.9 Euro/kilo (average of 10-15 Euro/hourdepending of the working speed). Other types of work can also be piecework or pay by the hour - if the employer havean collective agreement about 15 euro/hour – if not, it can be less.Working hours:20-60 hours /week, average 37. Often start at 4 AM/ in the morning, working until midday – 6 -7 days a week. Beaware that working on a strawberry farm means changing working hours – in the beginning of the season you mightwork only a few hours a day and in the high season perhaps 60 hours a week !Tax:Seasonal workers can get a special tax deduction according to costs for living in Denmark (often the tax payment isabout 10-14 % the first 3 month because of special rules for short time seasonal workers). Workers have to bring aspecial taxform (certificate of residence and tax liability) to be sure to get the tax deduction. The tax form can be found onwww.seasonalwork.dkRequirements:English language medium levelMotivated for hard physical workA must to have experience in agricultural workCandidates who have been working abroad before will be preferredHow to apply:Application and further information online onwww.seasonal.dkImportant:It is very important that you register all your work experience and fill in as much information as possible on the onlineapplication form; this will increase your chance of getting a job in Denmark.Latest application: Latest application date is the 1st of March 2011(Please ignore application date elsewhere in this job ad)