Socialudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Arbejdsmarkedsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
SOU Alm.del Bilag 274, AMU Alm.del Bilag 187
Ms Helle SjelleChairof the Labour Market Committee
Mr Martin HenriksenCommitteeChairman the SocialServicesof14 April2011UO4tL-67
DearColleagues,On behalf of the Baltic AssemblyI am pleasedto invlte you and members of the committeesto"Demography- a matter of socialsecurity, economicprosperityanddiscussionthe parliamentaryofsustainability the region"to be held on 19 - 20 May 2011 in Riga'Latvia'haveeconomicand socialimplicationschangeand its widespreadofThe challenge demographicinUnionand particularly the BalticStatesreceivedconsiderableattentionin the whole Europeanin the recent years. By continuing the existing negative tendenciesin the field of demography,inmainlyoninare expectedto lead to large increases publicspending,changes the populationpension, health care and other public infrastructure.Accordingly,the challengesresulting fromtodevelopmentsmust be taken seriously.We think that it is necessary place themdemographiccorrectlyin the context without exaggeratingthe risks and forcing through solutionswhich, if notinneutral in both social and economic terms, could have negative consequences the long run,Thereforewe are organizing a parliamentarydebate involving our internationalpartners on thefollowingaspectsof the theme:and forecasts;ofsituationaspects the demographicFirstly,socioeconomic- Secondly,socialvaluesand attitudesin the contextof demography;- Thirdly, the most effective short-term and long-term solutionsfor improving the demographic-situation plan of urgent measures.During the debate we will raise wide range of questionsto which we will aim to find practicalandtargeted answers - What impact will the current demographicsituation have on societiesandofofeconomies the region?; What is the experience Europeancountrieswith regard to trends insituation and causesof deteriorationof the demographicsituation?;What is thethe demographicWhat decisionsshouldthesituation?;inofcountries improving demographicexperience Europeansituation the mediumand longterm?; Whatinbe madenow in orderto improvethe demographicissue?;shouldbe done to changemodern socialvaluesand attitudestowardsthe demographicalso taking intoHow to promoteremigration? What are the benefitsand risks of immigration,itsaccount impacton nationalidentity?ondiscussions the demographicYou are kindly invited to participatein the parliamentaryonand expressingproposals thesituationby sharing informationon the Danishexperiencesfind attachedthe programmeand agendaof theimproving the situationin the region,Pleaseofbydiscussion, informus aboutyour participation 2 Mav 2011 at the latest.andSincerely,
,lr4-Sllva BendreteMattersCommittee the Saeimaofand EmploymentDeputyChairof the SocialVice Chair of the SocialAffairs Committeeof the BalticAssemblysilga Lejasmeiere, +377 67225178, [email protected]