Udvalget for Videnskab og Teknologi 2009-10
UVT Alm.del
Bilag 1: Oversigt over bevillinger fra Det Frie Forskningsråd, Det StrategiskeForskningsråd og Højteknologifonden til forskning i genmodificeredeorganismer 2006 - 2009
Det Frie ForskningsrådBevillingsårForskningsrådet forNatur og Univers(FNU)200620072007Forskningsrådet forTeknologi ogProduktion (FTP)20062007ProjekttitelBevilget beløbmio. kr.
Genetically modified mice for analysis ofadipocyte differentiation and function, apparaturGenetically modified mice for analysis ofadipocyte differentiation and function, apparaturGenetically modified mice for analysis ofadipocyte differentiation and function
2007200720082008200820082009Forskningsrådet forSundhed og Sygdom(FSS)200820082008
Development of plants designed for bioethanolproductionUnravelling plant regulatory networks: NACtranscription factors in senescence and diseaseresistanceProduction of the prostate cancer drug thapsigar-gin using the moss Physcomitrella patensDevelopment of new efficient transformationtechnologies for crop plantsImproving barley tolerance to flooding bymodulation of hemoglobin synthesisCenter for Microbial BiotechnologySafe Feed Grain: New starch composition to reducemycotoxinBioengineering of yeast for the production ofcancer-preventive glucoraphaninBioGum: Designer plant gums for future demands
Karakterisering af en grisemodel for humanAmyotrof Lateral ScleroseMurin leukemivirus-baserede cancermodellerInnovative, genetiske gain-of-functionmusemodeller til påvisning af centrale proteinkinasers rolle i cancer, diabetes, inflammation,hypertension og andre vigtige sygdommePCSK9 transgenic minipigs created by somatic cellnuclear transfer: preclinical animal models ofhypercholesterolemia and atherosclorosisImproved procedures for generation of geneticallymodified pigs by use of porcine stem cells incloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer
Det Strategiske Forskningsråds forskningsprogrammerBevillingsår20062007ProjekttitelBiological production of plant enzymes for drugimprovementGlyco-engineering Plant Cells for ControlledHuman O-Glycosylation: Novel Host Cells forRecombinant ProductionInsect resistance in plants via RNAi technologyDeveloping potato into a high-efficient, low-maintenance and multipurpose cropTowards robust fermentation processes by targetingpopulation heterogeneity at microscaleNatural resistance in GMOsGlycobiologyin yeast: production of bio-activebiopolymers and small moleculesA new sustainable platform for production ofvaluable natural products as illustrated byproduction of thapsigargin in mossBevilget beløbmio. kr.6,016,6
HøjteknologifondenBevillingsår2006ProjekttitelPigs and HealthBevilget beløbmio. kr.24,0