Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik (UUI) Alm. del

Samling: 2009-10

Bilag 125

Orientering om udgivelsen af Udlændingeservices fact-finding rapport "Entry Procedures and Residence in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) for Iraq Nationals - Report from the Danish Immigration Service's fact-finding mission to Erbil, Sulemaniyah and Dahuk, KTI and Amman, 6 to 20 January 2010 and 25 february to 15. March 2010", fra integrationsministeren


Dokumentdato: 14-04-2010
Modtaget: 14-04-2010
Omdelt: 14-04-2010

Orientering om udgivelsen af Udlændingeservices fact-finding rapport "Entry Procedures and Residence in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) for Iraq Nationals - Report from the Danish Immigration Service's fact-finding mission to Erbil, Sulemaniyah and Dahuk, KTI and Amman, 6 to 20 January 2010 and 25 february to 15. March 2010", fra integrationsministeren

Orienteringsbrev til UUI omfact-finding rapporten - flugtalternativer KRI (pdf-version)