Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del
danish international investment funds
Corporate soCial responsibility poliCy (Csr poliCy)sCopeIFU/IØ’s (the Funds) overall mission is to enhance sustainable economic growth, development and moreequitable income distribution by financing private sector investments in developing countries and reformingeconomies.The Funds’ investments in project companies shall on an ongoing basis contribute to the creation of jobsand income, improvement of corporate governance, sound environmental and social performance, and todevelopment of the local communities. We seek to ensure that our investments will contribute continually tosustainable development.The Funds are committed to securing high standards of CSR as a fundamental aspect of sound businessmanagement of the Funds’ investments and business practice. The Funds’ Supervisory Board, manage-ment, employees and advisers must conduct all their business operations in full accordance with the valuesand the spirit laid down in the CSR policy.The Funds have signed up to the 10 UN Global Compact principles, and we are committed to implement-ing and advancing these together with the project companies and within the Funds’ sphere of influence. TheFunds’ policy is based upon international UN, ILO and OECD conventions, declarations and agreements,and we hereby seek to contribute to the global achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals.issues of ConCernThe main issues of concern covered by the Funds’ policy are the following:• human rights:It is a fundamental value of the Funds to respect the basic human rights, and we cannotaccept forced or compulsory labour and the use of child labour in activities, which are dangerous to themoral or physical well-being and development of the child. The Funds advocate non-discrimination andencourage the project companies to promote gender equality.labour rights:The Funds require that all employees in the project companies have as a minimum theright to rest, reasonable limitation of working hours, periodic holiday, and reasonable remuneration. Allemployees must be allowed freedom of assembly and participation in workers’ organisations.occupational health and safety (ohs):Sound OHS procedures include application of principles ofindustrial hygiene, substitution of hazardous substances, establishment of work procedures and materialsafety data sheets and ensuring personal protective equipment. The Funds require that project compa-nies establish joint labour-management health and safety committees.environment:The Funds require that the project companies actively manage their environmental im-pact, and that they take actions to improve their environmental performance as appropriate. The projectcompanies must support a preventive and precautionary approach to environmental challenges.Climate change:The Funds encourage the project companies to contribute to climate change mitiga-tion and adaptation in accordance with the spirit of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change. The projectcompanies should give attention to major contributions to climate change and consider appropriate meas-ures to minimise the effect.anti-corruption:The Funds do not accept corruption and bribery. The project companies or their repre-sentatives should not accept bribes in any form and should not provide improper benefits to customers,agents, contractors, suppliers, employers or to government officials. The Funds are members of Trans-parency International.excluded product areas:The Funds do not finance projects, which produce goods and services thatare prohibited in Denmark for any environmental, human rights or other CSR reasons.
danish international investment funds
Community development and society aspects:The Funds encourage the project companies to con-tribute to the development of the local community within their ability and the scope of their core businessand business concept. In countries seriously affected by the hiv/aids epidemic, the Funds require thatan hiv/aids policy be adopted by the project companies.animal welfare:The Funds require that animals used in food production, for other commercial purpos-es or for testing are treated properly. The Funds request that veterinarians and agriculture techniciansdo efficient controls and inspections.
responsibilities and approaChThe Funds’ CSR objectives and activities must be anchored in the business strategies of the project compa-nies and must be fully adapted to and integrated into their procedures and operations. The Funds will induceeach project company to adopt a written CSR policy, which clearly defines and describes its vision, strategyand operational guidelines. The project companies must strive to constantly improve their own CSR policies,standards and performance and promote these towards their suppliers where relevant.The Funds will enhance and support the project companies directly and in cooperation with other invest-ment partners and relevant stakeholders in identifying areas of improvement, determining action plans andstrengthening their environmental and social management capacity. For this purpose, the Funds will maketheir experience and tools available and seek to mobilise support to development of competence in theproject companies.CSR objectives and activities of the project companies must be based on a thorough assessment and broadunderstanding of the interrelationship between the project company and the local community, taking into ac-count the economic, political, cultural and social contexts and diversity in which they operate. The Funds haveprepared a set of CSR appraisal and monitoring guidelines to assist in the implementation of the CSR policy.legal framework and normsProject companies must at all times be in compliance with host country legislation regarding CSR issues.Good CSR performance is defined by the norms of ethical behaviour in the various countries and is therebyunder constant development. Therefore, the Funds and the project companies shall be in continuous dia-logue with their stakeholders to be able to act proactively in accordance with their expectations and de-mands.Whenever significant CSR issues are identified in a project, relevant international standards must be usedas a baseline. In case of deviations, the project company must draw up and implement a CSR action planto mitigate the issues within a reasonable timeframe. The CSR action plan must be approved by the projectpartners, including the Funds. In case of breach of the CSR policy the Funds are entitled to take the neces-sary measures including exiting the project company.transparenCy and stakeholder dialogueThe Funds will provide transparent and accountable information about their own activities and achievementsand constantly strive to improve the quality and extent hereof.We encourage our investment partners and project companies to be transparent and informative about theirbusinesses and CSR performance in order to create the best possible platform for a continuous and proac-tive stakeholder dialogue.The Funds are committed to the principles of stakeholder engagement and will, where appropriate, engagein policy dialogue with their partners and with governments on issues related to CSR.The above Corporate Social Responsibility Policy was approved by the Supervisory Boards of IFU and IØ on
23 October 2008
Sign. Finn Jønck