Sundhedsudvalget 2009-10
SUU Alm.del
Professor, DMSc Thomas J. VoglInstitut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle RadiologieUniversitätsklinikumD-60590 Frankfurt

17 August 2009 7-203-07-1/1/MSB
Dear Professor, DMSc Thomas J. Vogl,On behalf of the Danish National Board of Health I hereby thank you verymuch for the information that you kindly forwarded to us in your letter datedJuly 13.The information that you have given in your letter will, as stated in our pre-vious letter, be used for giving advice regarding treatment to Danish cancerpatients with hepatic metastases who consider seeking treatment at yourclinic.Shortly, the National Board of Health will publish a note on hepatic chemo-therapy citing the information provided in your letter, some results from apatient survey made by the Danish Cancer Society (the Danish cancer pa-tients’ organization), and a description of the Danish experience with thesetreatment modalities. The information that you have provided in your letterwill be used for this overall advice and information to the Danish public andpress.However, the National Board of Health finds it difficult to properly assessthe information provided. We therefore kindly ask you if you could forwardto us some exact information regarding the scientific evidence on which yourtreatments are based (preferably with reference to published data includingtheir evidence levels), thus further detailing the information already given. Itwould also be very useful if you could go into more details regarding the in-clusion criteria, choice of cancer drugs, and protocols.This will not only help the National Board of Health in giving general in-formation about these treatment modalities but will also enable the Danishexpert panel on experimental cancer treatment to give the best possible ad-vice regarding patients for whom no further standardized treatment optionsare available and who often – even in the presence of extensive extrahepaticdisease - express a wish to receive treatment for hepatic metastases. The ex-pert panel’s advice should be based on scientific evidence, even though theNational Board of Health obviously is aware that the evidence regarding up-coming and promising new treatments may often be rather limited and on alow evidence level.

Health Planning

National Board of Health

Islands Brygge 67

DK- 2300 København S

Phone +45 72 22 74 00


+45 72 22 74 05

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Dir. ph. +45 7222 7683

E-mail [email protected]

Thank you once again for your kind cooperation.Page 217 August 2009
Yours sincerely,

National Board of Health

Hans von der MaaseProfessor of Oncology and Clinical Cancer Research, MD, DMSc
Lone de NeergaardHead of Department of Health Planning, MD