Europaudvalget 2009-10
EUU Alm.del
II. Health care
2. Hospitalisation:
Patient's participation
Complete refund (public ward). Save for
a participation of € 14.14 per day.When
hospitalised within a psychiatric home
for more than 5 years: € 23.57 per
day.Fixed contribution by the insurance
for approved homes for the aged,
protected homes, nursing homes and
psychiatric homes, day-care
centre.Admission fee: € 41.41.
Czech Republic
Any person covered under contributions No co-payments.Regulatory charge CZK
funded scheme pays the physician,
60 (€ 2.33) per day of institutional care.
dentist or health-care facility (providing
medical care) for each day of hospital
treatment: 2% of the national minimum
(monthly) wage, but not more than ten
days annually (minimum wage is
currently BGN 240 (€ 123) per month).
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Public hospitals, approved private
establishments and private hospitals
with agreement with the regional health
authorities: No charge.
Non-approved private establishments:
patients pay all costs.
Free hospitalisation in a shared room
with exception of participation of € 10
per calendar day during a maximum of
28 days.
For the services provided in standard
No charges.
conditions of accommodation. Not for
more than 10 calendar days for one case
of disease and not for more than EEK 25
(€ 1.60) for a day.
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No charges.
General scheme for employees (Régime
général d'assurance maladie des
travailleurs salariés, RGAMTS):
20% of costs.
Hospitalisation fee (forfait hospitalier): €
16 (€ 12 in a psychiatric unit) per day,
including the day of discharge.
Flat-rate co-payment of € 18 for serious
medical intervention (of a minimum rate
of € 91).
* Persons with full eligibility: No charge.
* Persons with limited eligibility: Charge
of € 75 per night in a public ward up to a
maximum of € 750 in any 12 month
consecutive period.
* A charge of € 100 applies for
attendance at accident and emergency
departments where the person does not
have a referral note from his/her doctor.
* For inpatient stays greater than 30
days a maximum charge of € 153.25 per
week applies.
* Private hospitals/homes: Patient is
liable for all costs. A subvention is
available towards the cost of
maintenance in some nursing homes.
* Infectious diseases treatment: Free of
charge to all persons.
Direct assistance free (sharing a room).
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Active and retired civil servants,
members of the police, members of the
educational service, dependants of these
groups, the dependants of the armed
forces personnel and certain other
groups entitled to medical care on a free
base, pay € 2,00 for a visit to the
outpatient department, with the
exception of people over 65 years old.
Persons entitled to medical care at
reduced fees pay € 6.83 per visit to
general practitioner, € 8.54 per visit to
specialist plus 50% of prescribed fees for
laboratory, x-ray and other examinations
for out-patient services. For in-patient
treatment the fees vary according to the
income of the patient, subject to a
maximum charge of 50% of the
described fees.
Patients not entitled to any fee reduction
pay € 14.52 and € 20.50 per visit to a
general practitioner and specialist
Active and retired civil servants,
members of the police, members of the
educational service, dependants of these
groups, the dependants of the armed
forces personnel and certain other
groups entitled with free of charge
treatment pay € 6.83, € 10.25 and
€ 20.50 per inpatient day respectively
for 3rd, 2nd and 1st class
Inpatients entitled to medical care at
reduced fees pay 50% of the normal
Inpatients not entitled to any fee
The amount of the patient’s contribution No charge for insured persons.
varies according to the type of hospital
and/or treatment:
* In all hospitals (except nursing
hospitals, Latvian Infectology Center and
State Agency for Tuberculosis and Lung
Diseases): LVL 12 (€ 17) per day,
* in the Latvian Infectology Center and
State Agency for Tuberculosis and Lung
Diseases: LVL 5 (€ 7.12) per day,
* in nursing hospitals and for treatment
in hospitals’ nursing units: LVL 5
(€ 7.12) per day,
* for treatment due to oncologic and
oncohaemotologic diseases: malignant
neoplasms, in situ neoplasms,
neoplasms of uncertain or unknown
behaviour and other aplastic anaemias:
LVL 5 (€ 7.12) per day,
* for treatment of addiction to alcohol,
drugs, psychoactive and toxic
substances LVL 5 per day(€ 7.12).
Maximum contribution for board and
lodging is LVL 250 (€ 356) for any one
period of hospitalisation in one
hospital.The total annual contribution for
inpatient and outpatient treatment in
one calendar year should not exceed
LVL 400 (€ 569) (excluding the
purchasing of drugs, spectacles and
dental services).Day centre board and
lodging is LVL 5 (€ 7.12) per day plus
allowance according to a list of
contributions for various medical
Participation in maintenance
costs:€ 12.64 per day of hospitalisation
and for a maximum period of 30 days.
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The Netherlands
See "Benefits: 1. Medical treatment,
Patient's participation".
No participation.
Mandatory deductible. See Table I
“Sickness and Maternity – Benefits in
Full coverage of expenses in the general
scale of fees of a hospital funded by a
Länder health fund
(Landesgesundheitsfonds), with the
exception of a minor participation of an
amount of approximately € 10 per day
(different in each federal state
For the hospitalisation of a dependant a
10%-contribution is charged.
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No charges.
No participation in charges in public
ward (or in private room if
recommended by the doctor).
If in private room freely chosen by
beneficiaries, charges are payable in full
by the beneficiaries, as well as private
hospital and clinic charges.
A contribution towards the costs for
patients who request better
accommodation than the social health
insurance system standards, and/or
services stipulated on the list of non-
standard services.
Public hospital:
The fee for an out-patient visit is € 22,
for day surgery € 72. The fee for in-
patient care is € 26 a day. Patients
receiving long-term institutional care at
a ward (over three months) are charged
a fee in accordance with their means.
Such a fee, however, may be no more
than 82% of the patient´s net monthly
income (if a person has a spouse who
has lower income, the fee may be no
more than 42% of their combined net
monthly income).
Irrespective of this, minimum € 90 per
month must be left for patient´s
personal use.
Private hospital:
Part of the doctor's fee and costs for
examination and care are refunded by
the sickness insurance.
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United Kingdom
Up to 25% of costs in case of
hospitalisation as a continuation of
hospital treatment (services connected
to asserting and treating reduced
fertility, non-medical part of care).
No participation.
The patient will be charged maximum
SEK 80 (€ 7.46) per 24 hours.
No charge to patients ordinarily resident
in the UK or charge-exempt overseas
visitors, except where the patient asks
for special amenities or for extra
treatment which is not clinically