Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 97

Dear Folketinget!http://romabelarus.blogspot.com/Unique people!!!I have received email from EU Roma policy coalition. The contents of this letter were very poor and not interesting butwhat really draws my attention is a person who is leading EU Roma policy. It is Mr. David Mark. David Mark, younglad. I have not idea where he is come from but there point is that now Mr. David Mark is determining EU Roma policy.You know, that is mean that all EU Roma policy is in his hands now. There are 8 millions Roma people are living inEU and all their life’s are in hands of Mr. David Mark?! Roma people from 27 member states are in possession ofDavid Marks will. It is difficult to imagine how powerful David Mark is?! That’s means that now David Mark decideon us. Not Roma people but David Mark is. I’m sure that 99.99 percents of Roma population doesn’t have imaginationhow dose David Mark looks like. How comes that so big amount of responsibilities are concentrated in David Markshand?! So big obligations… Was David Mark chosen? Was he appointed? Appointed by whom? Why David Mark?Who was in jury when question about David Mark have been raised? Why Roma communities haven’t been involved inDavid Marks election process? Nevertheless, I want to emphases that now David Mark is decision making person. Notyou!!!Valery Novoselsky, well- known person among Roma community. Good guy, who are collection information aboutRoma community, about you and me, about all of us. Have you ever asked Mr. Valery Novoselski to do it?! Me neither.I’ve never met Mr. Valery Novoselsky, thanks the Jesus, I have no idea why dose he doing this job. Is he Roma? Not.Was he elected? Was he appointed? Appointed by whom? Why Valery Novoselsky? Who was in jury when questionabout Valery Novoselsky have been raised? Why Roma communities haven’t been involved in Valery Novoselskyelection process? Nevertheless, I want to emphases that now Valery Novoselsky is person in charge of your databaseand how is he going to use your information is his business. Not yours!!!I have brought 2 examples, I am not going to provide you with answers. Something very strange happening with us,Romale! Something extraordinary! Something happening with us but we are, Roma people, somewhere aside from thisprocess. We are not involved in Roma movement. We are Roma but we are not involved in?! We are unique people,unfortunately.That is good examples of all George Soros programs.Because, tomorrow someone else will come to Roma house and start to teach us how to breath, what to eat, what to say.Someone we’ve never met and have no idea how dose he looks like. It is not funny, it’s awful. It is related to all Romadirectly. That’s the question. Because today George Soros came to determine EU Roma policy instead of us and wewere sleeping. George Soros came to collect information (our names, email, phone) and Roma were sleeping. Whatwill come to his mind tomorrow? Roma people need your protection from hungry George Soros.Kalinin Nicolas