Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 92
MONDAY 1 FEBRUARY - Peacebuilding Strategies
0900 – 1000
Welcome and Introductions
1000 – 1100
Opening Keynote:
Pathways to Peace, Security and Democracy: The Role of Parliamentarians
How important are parliaments, parliamentarians and parliamentary processes to establishingsustainable peace and security in fragile states? What is the role of a parliamentarian within a fragilestate, within the region and as part of the broader international community?Ms Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi (Director - Democratic Governance Practice, UNDP; FormerMinister and MP, South Africa)Mr Don Steinberg (Deputy President, International Crisis Group)1120 – 1240
Policy Priorities for Tackling State Fragility: Perspectives
What are the causes of fragility? What are the drivers of non-violent change? How can stateresilience be built up to avoid a return to violent conflict? What policy areas shouldparliamentarians prioritise to tackle state fragility? What principles should guide policydevelopment and scrutiny?Mr Amitav Banerji (Director, Political Affairs Division, Commonwealth Secretariat)Dr Funmi Olonisakin (Director, Conflict, Security and Development Group, Kings College,London)Professor James Putzel (Director, Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics)1240 – 1400
Lunch hosted by Rt Hon John Bercow MP (Speaker of the House of Commons)1400 – 1520
Implementing Peace and Security Policy: Cross-Government Approaches and International
What strategies do governments adopt in coordinating responses to state fragility? What are thebenefits and challenges associated with implementing cross-government approaches (language,coordination, resource/funding lines)? How can parliamentarians strengthen government strategies1-5
– what policy areas are in need of stronger scrutiny for more effective peacebuilding? How can theInternational Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding support this?Mr David Ashley (Regional Conflict Advisor – South Asia, British High Commission, SriLanka)Mr Rory Keane (International Network on Conflict and Fragility, Organisation for EconomicCooperation and Development, Paris)Mr Phil Vernon (Director of Programmes, International Alert, London)1540 - 1700
Scrutinising International Peacebuilding Actors: Parliamentary Networks in Action
What roles have multilateral organisations played in peacebuilding? How have parliamentarians indonor and fragile states scrutinised the activities of international actors (UN, IMF, World Bank) andbetter held them to account? What innovative peacebuilding initiatives have emerged frominternational, regional and national parliamentary networks and partnerships? How have thesehelped to facilitate transitions from violent conflict and what more can be done?Hon. Dr. Juliana Kantengwa MP (Former Secretary General AMANI Forum - The Great LakesParliamentary Forum on Peace, Rwanda)Dr Sara Pantuliano (Research Fellow and Programme Leader, Overseas Development Institute)Rt Hon. the Baroness D’Souza (Crossbench; All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women, Peaceand Security, UK)1730 – 1830
Evening Reception, London
TUESDAY 2 FEBRUARY – Revitalising Economies and Human Security
0900 – 1000
Keynote: Mobilising the Economy for Sustainable Peace, Security and Development
How does violent conflict sustain underdevelopment? What are the challenges to rebuilding theeconomy after conflict? How can priorities and budgets for security and public service provision bebalanced to meet public expectations? What role can parliamentarians in donor and fragile statesplay in scrutinising peacebuilding initiatives for the transition to peace, security and development?Experiences from Africa: Armed conflicts cost Africa US$18 Billion per year, money that couldtransform the continent addressing HIV and AIDS, education, clean water and sanitation,preventing tuberculosis and malaria.1000 – 1120
Rebuilding Public Financial Management Systems: Moving Beyond Aid Dependence
How can domestic revenue collection in fragile states be strengthened to reduce foreign aiddependency? How can access to natural resources be managed to finance reconstruction? Whatmechanisms can be used to monitor the use of international aid through post-conflict transition?How can the gap between humanitarian and development aid be negotiated in reconstruction plans?How can large numbers of international donors be coordinated without compromising localownership of reconstruction? What are the challenges and opportunities for parliamentarians?Ms Mary Baine (Commissioner General, Rwanda Revenue Authority)Professor Thandika Mkandawire (Chair in African Development, London School of Economics)Mr Nicola Pontara (Senior Economist, Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries Group, TheWorld Bank)
1140 – 1300
Harnessing the Power of Business: Part of the Solution?
What happens to the private sector during conflict and how can it support peacebuilding? How canlocal entrepreneurship be developed? How can the private sector be monitored and encouraged toavoid aggravating violent conflict (Voluntary Principles, Red Flag initiative)? What issues doparliamentarians in donor and fragile states need to scrutinise to support multi-stakeholderpartnerships?Ms Canan Gündüz (International Alert)Dr Hugo Slim (Director, CforC Ltd)1400 - 1520
Reinstating Rule of Law: The Foundations for Development and Community Security
How does reinstating rule of law produce peace dividends – create the space for investment as wellas human security? How can rule of law be re-established where resources are scarce and systemsare fragmented and un-coordinated? What priorities should drive post-conflict judicial and securitysector reform? How should the international community engage without compromising localownership and priorities? What is the role of parliamentarians?Ms Yasmine Sherif (Senior Rule of Law, Justice & Security Adviser, Bureau for CrisisPrevention & Recovery, UNDP)Mr Edouard Belloncle OR Simon Rynn (Security and Justice Sector Development Adviser,Saferworld)1540 - 1700
Effective Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration of Conflict Actors: Women and
Men, Girls and Boys
What can we learn from the Integrated Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Standards(IDDRS) in terms of good practice and policy guidance? What are the priorities and challenges toeffective short and long term DDR strategies? What are the responsibilities of fragile stategovernments, their neighbours in the region and the international community? At its 10thanniversary, how effectively has Security Council Resolution 1325 been implemented in DDR?How can parliamentarians scrutinise DDR strategies to ensure they curb violence and address thehuman rights and needs of former combatants in all their diversity – women, men, girls and boys?Ms Irma Specht (Director, Transition International, the Netherlands)WEDNESDAY 3 FEBRUARY – Improving Access to Justice
0900 - 1000
Keynote: Parliamentarians and Transitional Justice: No Peace Without Justice?
How can issues of justice and rule of law be broached in the aftermath of violent conflict withoutre-igniting old tensions and hostilities? How can the International Criminal Court serve justice andsupport peacebuilding together? How can constitutional review and development contribute to re-dressing injustices, affirming rule of law and promoting reconciliation for a sustainable peace?Mr Paul Van Zyl (Executive Vice-President, International Centre for Transitional Justice)Ms Nita Yawanarajah (Adviser and Head, Good Offices Section, Political Affairs Division,Commonwealth Secretariat)1000 – 1120
Negotiating Justice and Reconciliation: Perspectives and Experiences
What local, national and international tools and strategies can support justice and reconciliation?What lessons can be learned from experiences of implementing truth and reconciliationcommissions/hearings? How can gender-based violence issues be better tackled? How canparliamentarians support these processes?Dr Sari Kouvo (Head, Afghanistan Program, International Centre for Transitional Justice)3-5
1140 – 1300
Peacekeeping for the Long Term: Strengthening Effectiveness and Accountability
How does peacekeeping relate to peacebuilding? How has the expanding mandate of peacekeepingoperations (civilian protection; disarmament demobilisation and reintegration of combatants,security sector reform, return and reintegration of internally displaced persons and refugees) beenmatched with developments in training and coordination? What mechanisms exist for holdingpeacekeepers to account?Dr Kwesi Aning (Head, Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution Department, KofiAnnan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Accra, Ghana)Dr Marsha Henry (London School of Economics)
1400 – 1700
Parallel Workshops: Session 1
Parliamentarians guided by a facilitator will explore key issues and share experiences, challengesand lessons learned to develop strategies and follow-up action plans for national, regional andinternational levels. Workshop themes to include:Conflict Sensitive Policy Making - Part 1 (International Alert)Managing Natural Resources: Governance and the Pursuit of Prosperity (International Alert)Working for a More Accountable Security Sector - Police, Military and Intelligence(Saferworld)1730 - 2200
Flight and Transfer: Westminster, London to Northern Ireland Assembly, Belfast
THURSDAY 4 FEBRUARY – Rebuilding Citizen – State Relations
Stormont, Northern Ireland
1000 – 1045
Keynote: Rebuilding Citizen – State Relations: Governance Challenges and Opportunities
What is the role of national dialogue mechanisms and processes in achieving sustainable peace?How does conflict undermine perceptions of national dialogue and information systems? How canan inclusive and transparent state, active civil society and professional media and civil societyrebuild public trust and reduce the risk of a return to violence? How can parliamentarians supportthe construction or restoration of systems for national dialogues? How can decentralisation ofpolitical decision making help? What role can traditional leadership structures play?Dr Sina Odugbemi (Program Head, Communication for Governance & Accountability Program(CommGAP), The World Bank)1045 - 1145
Rebuilding Public Confidence After Violent Conflict: Northern Ireland Assembly Case Study
How have parliamentarians elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly worked to build an inclusiveand transparent political system in Northern Ireland? How have they negotiated public expectationsthrough transition? How do parliamentarians perform their role of scrutiny without underminingfragile peace? What have been the challenges and political breakthroughs? What lessons have beenlearned from working with civil society and the media?Representatives from all parties of the Northern Ireland AssemblyMr William Hay MLA (Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly)
1200 - 1300
Forum: Delegates and Northern Ireland Assembly Panellists in Dialogue
An opportunity for delegate parliamentarians to pose questions and engage in discussion withpanellists from the Northern Ireland Assembly – sharing common challenges and lessons learned.1400 – 1700
Parallel Workshops: Session 2
Facilitator guided workshops exploring key issues and delegate experiences - challenges andlessons learned. Working towards developing strategies and follow-up action at the national,regional and international level, workshop sessions will include:Conflict Sensitive Policy Making - Part 2 (International Alert)Working with Civil Society: Where next for UN Security Council Resolution 1325?(International Alert)The Role of Media and Communications in Transitions to Stability (Media Support Solutions)1800 – 1930
Evening Reception, Northern Ireland Assembly, Belfast
FRIDAY 5 FEBRUARY – Moving Forward
Stormont, Northern Ireland
0900 – 1000
Workshop Report Back
1000 – 1300
Visit to local community projects in Belfast
1400 - 1500
Discussion Session: Summing Up and Agreement of Conference Communique
1500 – 1600
Closing Keynote:
The Commonwealth, International Parliamentary Diplomacy and Building Peace
How has the Commonwealth at its 60thanniversary facilitated inclusive and multilayeredinternational diplomacy and supported transitions from violent conflict to peace? What lessons havebeen learned? How can the Commonwealth contribute over the next 60 years and what role canparliamentarians play in international diplomacy for sustainable development, peace and security?His Excellency Kamalesh Sharma (Commonwealth Secretary-General)1700 - 2200
Flight and Transfer: Northern Ireland Assembly, Belfast to Westminster, London