Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2009-10, Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
MPU Alm.del Bilag 243, URU Alm.del Bilag 81
Parliamentary Statement to the 15th Conference of Partiesof the UN Framework Convention on Climate ChangeNoting the African-European Parliamentary Recommendations to the 15th Conference of Parties of the UNFramework Convention on Climate Change of AWEPA, 1 December 2009;Noting the Globe Statement from the GLOBE International Legislators’ Copenhagen Forum, including thelegislative principles on climate change;Noting the conclusions the Inaugural meeting of Commonwealth Parliamentary Task Force on Climate Change,4 October 2009;Noting the IPU Declaration on Climate Change adopted 10 April 2009;Noting that Climate Change threatens not only human dignity, but life itself especially to those mostvulnerable and ill-equipped to negotiate its impacts;We, parliamentary networks, emphasize the importance of reaching a fair, equitable global agreement onClimate Change with effective compliance mechanisms and safeguards, at the 15thConference of Parties(COP-15) in Copenhagen.We hope that this meeting will lead to agreement on financial mechanisms, which will allocate sufficientfunds needed for adaptation and appropriate mitigation measures and associated with these, capacitybuilding and technology transfer. We look forward to an agreement helping us move towards a fair and moreequitable world.In particular we would like to highlight the following points:1.At the national level parliamentarians have a key role to play in the formulation, implementation and
oversight of any climate agreement;
2.We believe parliamentarians have a responsibility in stimulating the creation of climate resilient and
low carbon development within their countries. We also recognise that, as with many stakeholders,this will not be possible without knowledge sharing, capacity development, and funding to facilitatethese;financial and political- to ensure effective implementation of the outcomes of the climatenegotiations;
3.We as parliamentarians will work together to gain public recognition for the required effort -both
4.Adoption of mechanisms to raise predictable and sustained finance, according to the principle of
common but differentiated responsibility, will help us take sustained actions in our countries to movetowards low carbon and climate resilient development;5.Given the challenges facing many of the developing countries, we reconfirm that climate finance
needs to be new and additional to existing Overseas Development Aid commitments;6.Climate funds should be made available to partner countries through existing national systems,
including ensuring accountability through parliamentary oversight and scrutiny of expenditures;This joint statement is issued by AWEPA, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and GlobeInternational, Copenhagen, 15 December 2009.